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Beauriful -Eminem的歌詞是什麽?




[00:-2.00]Eminem - Beautiful



[00:01.17]Lately I've been hard to reach 最近我有點疏離

[00:04.38]I've been too long on my own 壹個人太久了[00:07.93]Everyone has a private world 私人獨處的小世界

[00:10.50]Where they can be alone 妳在叫我嗎?妳是想要穿越過禁區嗎?

[00:15.16]Are you calling me, are you trying to get through 妳是在對我伸出手

[00:21.75]Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you 就像我對妳伸出手壹樣嗎?


[00:29.93]I'm just so fuckin' depressed 我情緒有夠低落

[00:31.04]I just can seem to get out this slump 好像永遠都逃不出這鬼地方

[00:32.79]If I could just get over this hump 如果可以越過這個山頭

[00:34.57]But I need something to pull me out this dump 但是還需要人把我拉出泥沼

[00:36.50]I took my bruises, took my lumps 我壹身瘀青 傷痕累累

[00:38.25]Fell down and I got right back up 跌倒過又站了起來

[00:40.09]But I need that spark to get psyched back up 但我需要壹點點光芒 讓我精神回復

[00:41.82]And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up 能夠重新拿起麥克風

[00:43.77]I don't know how I pry away 我不知道該怎麼做

[00:45.57]And I ended up in this position I'm in 為什麼 什麼時候 我就卡在這裏了

[00:47.33]I starting to feel distant again 又開始感覺到疏遠

[00:49.11]So I decided just to beat this pain 所以我決定拿起我的筆

[00:51.03]Up and tried to make an attempt to vent 試著重新開始創作

[00:53.27]But I just can't admit 但我不能保證什麼

[00:54.57]Or come to grips, with the fact that 也無法認同

[00:56.05]I may be done with rap 我已經脫離了饒舌的世界

[00:57.18]I need a new outlet 需要壹個新的出口

[00:58.28]I know some shits so hard to swallow 我知道現實生活中有些狗屁很難受

[00:59.96]But I just can't sit back and wallow 但是我不能只是坐著打混

[01:01.92]In my own sorrow 沈溺在低潮中

[01:02.87]But I know one fact 但是我自己知道

[01:03.86]I'll be one tough act to follow 我的強悍 沒有人比得過我

[01:05.51]One tough act to follow 就是沒有人比得過我


[01:07.97]One tough act to follow

[01:09.18]Here today, gone tomorrow 今天轉眼就被明天取代了

[01:11.05]But you have to walk a thousand miles 但還是壹條漫漫長路....


[01:13.23]Walk my shoes, just to see 看看我

[01:14.62]What it's like, to be me 我是什麼樣的角色

[01:16.43]All be you, let's trade shoes 讓我變成妳

[01:18.28]Just to see what I'd be like to 交換身份看看會發生什麼事

[01:20.31]Feel your pain, you feel mine 我承受妳的痛 妳承受我的

[01:21.87]Go inside each other's mind 進路彼此的心理面

[01:23.69]Just to see what we find 去看看 能發現什麼

[01:25.55]Looking shit through each other's eyes 用彼此的雙眼去看這狗屁世界


[01:27.99]But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo 但不容許誰說妳不夠美麗

[01:35.26]They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo 管他們去死的 妳就是妳自己

[01:42.44]Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo 但不容許誰說妳不夠美麗

[01:49.77]They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you 管他們去死的 妳就是妳自己 所以...


[01:55.83]I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor 我想我快忘了我的幽默

[01:58.29]Everything is so tense and gloom 所有事情都這麼緊繃又抑郁

[02:00.15]I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room 我覺得我該去開個冷氣了

[02:02.95]Just as soon as I walk in 正當我走進房裏

[02:04.28]It's like all eyes on me 大家好像都看著我

[02:05.44]So I try to avoid any eye contact 我逃避著銳利的眼神

[02:07.29]Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation 怕對上了眼 就得來壹場

[02:09.88]Like I want that... 沒意義的交談

[02:11.06]I'm not looking for extra attention 我並不需要特別的關愛眼神

[02:12.87]I just want to be just like you 只是想要變成妳

[02:14.55]Blend in with the rest of the room 能跟房裏的其他人打成壹片

[02:16.16]Maybe just point me to the closest restroom 或者告訴我最近的洗手間在哪裏

[02:18.15]I don't need fucking man servin' 我才不要該死的男服務生

[02:19.90]Tryin to follow me around, and wipe my ass 跟在我身邊幫我擦屁股

[02:21.85]Laugh at every single joke I crack 聽我說的每個笑話都要假笑

[02:23.63]And half of them ain't even funny like that 其實大多都不好笑

[02:25.48]Ahh Marshall, you're so funny man, you should be a comedian, god damn 哈! 痞子 妳很搞笑耶 妳該當個喜劇演員 去死吧

[02:29.21]Unfortunately I am, but I just hide behind the tears of a clown 不幸的是 我的確是 藏住眼淚的小醜

[02:33.13]So why don't you all sit down 所以妳們為什麼不乖乖坐好

[02:34.35]Listen to the tale I'm about to tell 聽我把想說的故事說完

[02:36.43]Hell, we don't have to trade our shoes 天阿 我們根本不可能互換身份

[02:38.36]And you don't have to walk no thousand miles妳也省了這段漫漫長路...


[02:40.56]Walk my shoes, just to see 看看我

[02:41.89]What it's like, to be me 我是什麼樣的角色

[02:43.72]All be you, let's trade shoes 讓我變成妳

[02:45.58]Just to see what I'd be like to 交換身份看看會發生什麼事

[02:47.57]Feel your pain, you feel mine我承受妳的痛 妳承受我的

[02:49.20]Go inside each other's mind 進路彼此的心理面

[02:50.99]Just to see what we find 去看看 能發現什麼

[02:52.80]Looking shit through each other's eyes 用彼此的雙眼去看這狗屁世界


[02:55.34]But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo 但不容許誰說妳不夠美麗

[03:02.47]They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo 管他們去死的 妳就是妳自己

[03:09.65]Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo 但不容許誰說妳不夠美麗

[03:16.96]They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo 管他們去死的 妳就是妳自己


[03:24.33]Nobody asked for life to deal us 沒有人想過人生要經歷

[03:25.67]With these bullshit hands with doubt 這麼多狗屁不通的事

[03:27.33]We have to take these cards ourselves 是我們自己選的牌

[03:29.09]And flip them, don't expect no help 壹掀開就別期望有人來救妳

[03:30.94]Now I could have either just 現在我可以坐在原地

[03:32.97]Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned 哭鬧撒尿

[03:34.77]But take this situation in which I'm placed in 或是看清我現在的處境

[03:37.08]And get up and get my own 自己站起來

[03:38.28]I was never the type of kid 我從來就不是那種乖乖等人

[03:39.98]To wait but I know to unpack his bags 來收拾書包的小孩

[03:41.78]Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed 也不會坐在門廊

[03:43.71]For a dad to show up who never did 耐心祈禱老爹出現 反正也不可能

[03:45.55]I just wanted to fit in 只能試著融入

[03:47.18]Every single place 每個地方

[03:48.18]Every school I went 還有每壹所學校

[03:49.10]I dreamed of being that cool kid 我也想過要作個很酷的小孩

[03:50.91]Even if it meant acting stupid 即使看起來很傻

[03:52.74]Aunt Edna always told me 阿姨常說

[03:54.35]Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that 我再作鬼臉 這輩子就會變成鬼

[03:56.02]Meanwhile I'm just standing there 但同時只能站在那邊吐舌頭

[03:58.14]Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this講些有的沒有的

[04:00.13]Till I stuck my tungue on the frozen stop sign poll at 8 years old 直到我把舌頭黏在結冰的路標上 那年我八歲

[04:03.64]I learned my lesson and cause I wasn't tryin to impress my friends no more 我學到了教訓 從此我不再試著討好朋友

[04:07.30]But I already told you my whole life story 但我已經把我的人生故事說完

[04:09.10]Not just based on my description 不只是根據我的個人經驗

[04:10.85]Cause where you see it from where you're sitting 因為妳在什麼地方聽到這故事

[04:12.76]Is probably 110% different 可能有110%的不同

[04:14.76]I guess we would have to walk a mile 我想我們必須交換

[04:16.81]In each other's shoes, at least 身份走壹段路才能了解

[04:18.27]What size you where?妳穿幾號鞋?

[04:19.21]I wear tens 我穿十號半

[04:20.07]Let's see if you can fit your feet 試試看合不合腳吧...


[04:22.30]Walk my shoes, just to see 看看我

[04:25.48]All be you, let's trade shoes 我是什麼樣的角色

[04:27.32]Just to see what I'd be like to 讓我變成妳

[04:29.18]Feel your pain, you feel mine 交換身份看看會發生什麼事

[04:31.01]Go inside each other's mind 我承受妳的痛 妳承受我的

[04:32.77]Just to see what we find 去看看 能發現什麼

[04:34.58]Looking shit through each other's eyes用彼此的雙眼去看這狗屁世界


[04:37.15]But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo 但不容許誰說妳不夠美麗

[04:44.16]They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo 管他們去死的 妳就是妳自己

[04:51.62]Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful OoOo 但不容許誰說妳不夠美麗

[04:58.67]They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you sOoOoo 管他們去死的 妳就是妳自己


[05:06.57]Lately I've been hard to reach 最近我有點疏離

[05:09.81]I've been too long on my own 壹個人太久了

[05:13.20]Everyone has a private world 每個人都有壹個

[05:15.95]Where they can be alone... sOoOoo 私人獨處的小世界

[05:20.27]Are you calling me, are you trying to get through OoOo 妳在叫我嗎? 妳是想要穿越過禁區嗎?

[05:27.66]Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you sOoOoo Oo Oo 妳是在對我伸出手 就像我對妳伸出手壹樣嗎?


[05:37.12]Yea... To my babies. Stay strong. Daddy will be soon Yea...我的寶貝 保持堅強 爸爸不久將

[05:44.10]And to the rest of the world, god gave you the shoes 從世界其他地方回家 上帝給妳的身份

[05:47.71]That fit you, so put em on and wear em 最適合自己 所以勇往直前

[05:52.48]And be yourself man, be proud of who you are 作妳自己該作的 為自己感到驕傲

[05:56.22]Even if it sounds corny,即使這些聽起來像陳腔濫調

[05:59.31]Don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful 但別讓任何人告訴妳 妳不夠美麗

