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Many years after receiving my graduate degree, I returned to the State University of New York at Binghamton as a faculty member. One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. I said the elevators had not changed in the 20 years since I began there as a student.

When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me. "You'll get that degree, dear," she whispered. "Perseverance is a virtue."

美 德



2. Difference

"I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles. "When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down."

區 別

“研究生班和本科生很容易就能區別開來,”在洛杉磯加利福利亞州立大學給我們研究生上工程學課的老師如此說。“我說‘下午好’,本科生們回答說‘下午好’。研究生們則把我說的話記在筆記本上。” 未命名 回答采納率:33.3% 2009-10-06 13:28

In one seat an old man sat holding a bunch of fresh flowers. Across the aisle sat a young girl whose eyes came back again and again to the man's flowers.The time for the old man to get off.Without much thinking,he thrust the flowers into the girl's lap."I can see you love the flowers,"he explained,"and I think my wife would like for you to have them. I'll tell her I gave them to you."The girl accepted the flowers,and then watcahed the old man get off the bus and walk through the gate of a small cemetery
