當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 50CENT和JARULE有什麽深仇大恨?



美國MTV音樂電臺專門采訪過ja rule


Louis Farrakhan:Tell me, how did this beef get started with you and brother 50?主持人: 妳和50之間積怨到底是怎麽回事?

Ja Rule: I think it all started when I was doing a video shoot on Jamaica Avenue.

全從我們在Jamaica Avenue拍音樂錄影帶的時候開始的我想。

We're from the same neighborhood.


And everybody in the neighborhood said that Murder Inc. was on the brink of doing big things.

所有人都說 Murder Inc.這個團隊會有大作為

50 Cent was an artist at the time, too.


I think he was with Jam Master Jay, and we knew Jay.

我想那時候他和 Jam Master Jay在壹塊,而我又認識jay

It was a situation where 50 wanted to be involved but didn't know how to go about it.


He seen how much love we received on the avenue from all the people, 'cause this is our neighborhood.


The whole south side is there on Jamaica Avenue for the video shoot.

整個南部地區就是在Jamaica Avenue 這壹帶 就是我們mv的拍攝地點

It was a great video, even if it didn't get played, and I think 50 didn't like the fact that I was getting so much love.

這個mv非常帶勁 即便還沒怎麽公映,而且我覺得50對我現在開始受歡迎 不怎麽高興

I didn't know the dude, didn't have any confrontations before this, as the legend would have it.

我不太認識這個男的 ,那時候練面對面認識的機會都沒有

He supposedly spoke to me and said, "What's up?" And I said, "A'ight, what up?" Apparently that wasn't good enough or something, I don't know.

壹次他和我打招呼 只是客套話,但顯然這不夠,可是壹直這樣我也鬧不明白

Later he came out like, "I'm gonna use other big rappers' names and dis and downplay them to bring attention to me."


Which is a great plan, but all you're doing is creating hatred for yourself from other artists.

這不錯看上去,但是我認為他這樣無非在積累 同其他人的隔閡

hen he made the record about me, I didn't think it was funny or cool.

他還專門錄了壹首給我的歌,我壹點不認為那個很逗樂 或者很酷we'd made two records at the time.

In "How to Rob" he talked about how he was gonna rob all these major rappers and artists.

在How to Rob這首歌裏面 他叫囂到要把其他的rapper洗劫壹空

It was a jokey kind of record, but a lot of people took offense. I wasn't mentioned in that record.

這個有點玩笑話的歌曲我卻沒有在意 倒是很多人 多戒備起來

but the other one, called "Murder, I Don't Believe You," or something like that ["Life's on the Line"], set my whole thing spinning, so when we saw each other, it was immediate brawl confrontation. We don't like each other.

後來Murder, I Don't Believe You和Life's on the Line這兩首歌裏徹底導致我和50的對對方的不滿

I didn't start this.

這不是我引起的I'm an artist who really went out there to make my records while asking myself, "What can I do to elevate myself and do music?"

我只是作為壹個說唱歌手自然問自己 究竟怎樣提高我自己

people started making more records that had more feeling. All the artists came into it making records with feeling about different aspects of life beside the criminal aspect.

很多其他藝人也同樣 在 新歌中表達個多深層次的人生感悟 而不是僅僅的陰暗層面

and this is where the whole hatred really started for him and trickled down.


I guess when he got his record deal, he felt the need to call my name and disrespect what I am doing, which is crazy.

我猜他後來感覺不太夠勁,久直接在歌裏 直呼我的名字 或者 蔑視詆毀我,這個實在是瘋狂。

Farrakhan: I heard someone robbed you of some of your jewelry at some point.主持人:我後來聽說有人在壹些地方搶了妳的首飾什麽的。

Ja Rule: That's a false story.

沒有這回事 That's a story he made up.


someone does some harm to you, don't get mad at the person that's with them, he has nothing to do with it. He's just an innocent bystander.


It's him I have the problem with.


So I never got that story, but people ate it up, and the media eats that up. I never really got that story.

所以我從來不吊那個故事 但是 大眾 卻 聽得 津津有味 尤其是媒體界

could I be mad at you if your man got it?


I would get your man; I would be hollering to your man. There really was no beef with me to him.

我可能非常理解他 有機會我也想質問他 可是 這壹切實際從我這 並沒有對她的血海深仇

it was always with him to me, you understand.


So when I come back now and say I don't like him for this, this and this reason, everyone goes, "Well now, it's getting out of hand.

所以當我說 我不喜歡他這麽做 大家又說“好吧 有點亂”

But he already said his piece. He already came out and spoke about how he feels about Murder Inc.

但是這個討厭是他先說的 他早就公開說過對Murder Inc.的不滿

I was kind of upset about the fact that the people were kind of receptive to these things he was saying.

我也有點生氣 為什麽大家會接受他的壹些看法

I really didn't see it was gonna be well-received until it started to get this way.


I told myself I needed to start making some records.


Because I see there's a lot of ignorance.


The people aren't getting that these two men have a real problem, and it's not about records.

公眾並不了解我們之間的問題 不是 那些歌

And since he made it about the records, that's all the people see, the music.

從他最先錄制那些歌兒開始 所有人都看在眼裏,就是那些音樂。

Ja Rule: Yeah. We fought in Atlanta and we fought in New York at the Hit Factory. We've had our altercations.

我們在atlanta有過正面較量 在紐約的hit factory 電臺較量過 我們罵過架

以下是關於 他們之間 錄制歌曲 互相激化矛盾的細節 我就不做翻譯了
