當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 關於守時,有沒有壹些有趣的英語笑話呢?




如果妳自壹個對時間觀念比較寬松的文化環境,那麽美國人對 待時間的認真態度就很可能使妳感到驚訝。

盡管不是有的美國人都是 守時,但是社會整體是在嚴格遵守時間的基礎上進行的。無論在個人 生活、社區生活還是美國商業文化中都是如此。

下面是最近發生在我身上的壹個真實故事。我本來安排了和壹個來自印度的團體進行商業會晤,可是不知怎麽的,忘了把它記在我的日程 表上。我到辦公室時比約定時間晚了30分鐘,發現有個電話錄音,說那個團隊在會議室等我。

由於害怕我已經錯過這次約會,我趕緊跑進 會議室,卻發現他們正在壹起開玩新地聊天。他們的神態是在說:“啊呀,妳來了!咱們現在可以開始了!”

如果這是個美國的團隊,他們可能會很生氣,而且不可能等 待十多分鐘—這是最多的了。他們會給我留個口信,要求從新安 排會談時間,為什麽?因為美國式的約會安排有嚴格的結束時間 和開始時間。

如果妳開始得晚了,不超出約定的結束時間妳就不 可能完成手頭的業務。

如果妳對於美國工作、與美國人做生意或作為美國人在海外的 公司工作等情況不熟悉,下面就妳在約會和守時方面的日常行為 提出了幾項建議,它們壹定能幫助妳與美國同事愉快相處。





《Punctuality Pays》原文:

One of the cultural differences that tends to annoy Americans has to do with understanding of punctuality. Getting ahead at work starts with getting to work on time!

If you come from a culture that has a more relaxed view of time, you're likely to be surprised at how serious Americans are about time.

While not all Americans are punctual all the time, the society as a whole operates on the basis of well-kept schedules. This is true in personal and community life as well as in U.S. business culture.

Here's a real-life story that happened to me recently. I had scheduled a business meeting with a team from India, but had somehow forgotten to log it into my schedule.?

Arriving at my office 30 minutes after the appointment, I found a voice message telling me the team was waiting for me in the meeting room.

Being afraid that I had missed the appointment,I hurried in, and found them happily chatting together. Their attitude was “Ah! You're here! We can start now!”

If the team had been American, it's likely they would have been annoyed, and unlikely they would have waited more than 10 minutes — at the most.

They would have left me a message asking to reschedule the meeting. Why?

Because American-style appointments have a firm end as well as start time, and if you start late you won't be able to finish the business at hand without running beyond the scheduled ending time.


1.punctuality? n.嚴守時間;敏捷

(1)例句:Reliability and punctuality have become more important. ?


(2)例句:I expect punctuality from my students. ?


(3)例句:And it's got nothing to do with your punctuality. ?


(4)例句:He's becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality. ?


(5)例句:His concern with tidiness and punctuality ?

翻譯:他對整潔和準時的關註 。

2.pays? 付;支付;償還;給…付工資;給…付酬;工資;薪水

(1)例句:Death pays all debts and all thoughts are dashed. ?


(2)例句:Every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its staff. ?


(3)例句:Sara also pays a share of the gas, electricity and phone bills.


(4)例句:It pays to invest in protective clothing ?


(5)例句:He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom, and Tom is no great thinker. ?
