當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 電影《海上鋼琴師》主角臨死前說他自己的笑話是什麽?中英文都要、好的最後加分!


想象壹下在天國的門前picture the scene at the Golden Gates 有個人看著名單 試圖找到我的名字some guy searching a list trying to find my name 卻找不到 not finding it 妳看 先生 我是在船上出生的 well you see,sir i was born on a ship 我在船上生 船上長 在船上結束生命 born raised, and died on a ship 說不定妳的冊子裏沒我的名字maybe I‘m not registered there 妳是死在船上的?shipwreck? 六噸半的zhazhayao的 six and a half tons of dynamite boom 現在感覺好多了吧? feeling better now? 是啊 感覺還不錯 除了少了條胳膊yeah I’m fine except i lost an arm 少胳膊 an arm? 對,炸飛了 yeah ,in the explosion 沒事,妳能在那找到條新胳膊 well, you should be able to find one over there 妳少了那條胳膊?which one did you say you were missing 左邊的 先生 left ,sir 十分抱歉 I‘m dreadfully sorry 妳姐不介意如果。。。would you mind awfully if。。 如果我什麽 if i what。。 如果妳能接受用壹條右胳膊代替左邊的? if you take a right arm instead of a left? 那麽 好像就算只有右胳膊也比什麽都沒有強,我想是這樣 all things considered better,a right arm than nothing,i suppose 雙手贊成 couldn’t agree more 樓主要采納啊,打了這麽長時間。