A:What do you call a deer with no eyes? ?[ 沒眼睛的鹿叫什麽? ]
B:No idea!? [?不知道(無眼鹿)。]
No ideas -?no eye deer 諧音
A:What did the buffalo say to his son when he dropped him off at school [ 水牛把兒子送到學校後對它說什麽? ]
B:"Bison." [ 野牛(再見)。]
bison?-?bye son 諧音
A:Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek? ?[ 為什麽豹子不能玩捉迷藏? ]
B:Because he was always spotted !? [ 因為它總是容易被發現。]
spotted 被發現;布滿斑點