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新年作文 英語 幫忙翻譯壹下



In my day by day in the hope of, New Year, finally arrived, people suddenly busy.

賣煙花爆竹的小攤子也出來 做生意了,大街小巷壹片沸騰的景象。

Sell fireworks small stall out business also, streets a seething scene.

這天晚上,時不時會有幾戶人家把煙花點 燃,放上天去;

On this night, every now and then there will be a few families at the fireworks burning, put up to heaven;

有時還有幾個調皮的小孩也來 湊熱鬧,手裏面拿著“甩炮”,往地上扔去, 害得大地疼得畢畢剝剝地叫著。

Sometimes there are several naughty children also to join in the fun, hand inside take "sling gun", thrown on the ground to go to, harm the earth in pain BiBao bishop called off.

各家各戶把燈 打開,有的人家在看電視;

Families, turn on the light, some people are watching television;

有的人家在吃團圓 飯;

Some family reunion dinner in eat;


There's somebody else in the house at family concert.

天上是 五顏六色的火花結成彩,地上是萬萬千千的燈 火壹片紅。

Heaven is the spark of colourful form and color, the ground is 10000 lamp fire a piece of red.

我和幾個朋友也在壹起說說笑話,講講 故事,我的心中頓時想起了壹首詩: 爆竹聲中壹歲除, 春風送暖入屠蘇。

Me and some friends say together jokes, and tell us about the story, my heart suddenly remind of a poem: a SuiChu fireworks, the spring breeze into the TuSu).

千門萬戶瞳瞳日, 總把新桃換舊符。

The pupil, find the pupil, always new peach for old charm.

是啊,在熱鬧的爆竹聲中,送走了難忘的 舊歲;

Yes, in noisy fireworks, off the unforgettable the old;

多少溫暖的春風,給滿面笑容的人們送 來了新年。

How many warm spring breeze, to the smiling faces of people send to the New Year.

我們又長了壹歲,家家戶戶敞開了 門窗,讓大年初壹明亮的陽光照進屋裏. 在這爆竹聲中,何嘗不會夾雜著喧天的鑼 鼓、歡快的器樂,何嘗不會洋溢著爽朗的笑聲 呢?

We again long one, every family opened the doors and Windows, let lunar New Year bright sunlight into the house. In the fireworks, are not ready with a drum, cheerful gongs instrumental music, did not with a hearty laughter?

我又大了壹歲,我應該更加懂事,媽媽和 爸爸在我身上下了那麽多功夫,我要好好讀 書,長大後為祖國爭光,為祖國出力。

I again big one year old, I should be more sensible, mom and dad on me down so much effort, I will have a good read book, grow up to honor for China, for motherland output.

十年樹 木,百年樹人。

Ten years tree wood, but one hundred to rear people.

我不會辜負父母和老師對我的 壹片苦心 . 關於新年的作文 “新年來了!”

I won't live up to what his parents and teachers to my a painstaking. About the composition of the New Year New Year's coming!"


"The New Year come!"



New Year came to earth dolls, for people offer sincere greetings.


Let the people in the New Year more happy!


More than a year of the previous year a good day!


Look, the azure blue skies suddenly become red red, red permeates beaming taste, people looking at really LeA!!!!!


The asphalt path at this time has become a gorgeous as the carpet, carpet on either side of the open flowers, walk on really have a place oneself the fairyland feeling, the world suddenly become a paradise!


People also have red lanterns hung up in front of the door, the rows of neat, thriving, and beautiful!


Listen, the distance spread "New Year's song", people listen as if intoxicated though, not intoxicated in the song, but intoxicated in the fairy tale in!


Red sky, colorful the earth, happy lantern, sweet New Year's song ", was a complete the landscape!


People have put on his new clothes, his with a cheerful smile.


They door-to-door, wish each other, very festive.


However, in this celebration of the day, everyone is such a happy-go-lucky?


New Year doll see, many in the ZaiHuan survived the poor people, is not like other people have food to eat and to drink, and new clothes, they are still living in suffering from cold and hunger in.


Doll dropped down to a New Year the tears of truth, the tears to poor ZaiHuan those areas, but now victims also live a better life, they face no longer have sorrow and pain, instead of happiness and ease.


New Year doll to show the lovely smile, quietly left.


New Year for the New Year to the baby a precious gift, is not only the blessings of a beautiful, still have the good life's victims.


It had to go, but its blessings forever in people's hearts.


"To take forever happy, than."


As long as everyone is given their love, put out their hands and love to help the people in need of help, so the world would be full of laughter everywhere, happiness and light!

有什麽不懂的可以再問我!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……