誰能幫我寫篇My embarrassing thing(我最尷尬的事)英語短文
這篇作文很有意思,使我想到了我去年的壹件令我感到很尷尬的事情,在我朋友間鬧了大笑話,先給妳中文,後面是英文。去年的聖誕節,壹位同學邀請我和原來班上的壹些好友去她的新家做客,***同歡度聖誕。但應為她已搬家,不住在原來的地方,所以班上同學對她說的新地址都比較困惑,由於我曾經拜訪過壹次她的新居,我就拍著胸脯對同學說由我來帶路,我認識的。於是聖誕那天我就和其他同學約好帶著禮物來到了她住的地方。班上的同學在我的帶領下成群結隊的進了小區,。走到8棟與9棟間,我也有點迷惑了,不確定是哪壹棟了,但怕在同學面前難看,我說是8棟,於是我們浩浩蕩蕩的爬到了4樓,同學迫不及待的按門鈴,喊名字。門打開了,同就跑了進去,把禮物放在了桌上,熱情的和人家家人打招呼,問候人家新年好。有的同學還找了的板凳坐了下來。但人家似乎對我們的到來很詫異,問道:“妳們找誰?“我們找***。””對不起,妳們走錯了“,同學們和我聽了都張口結舌,我更是無地自容,真想找個洞鉆進去啊~!This embarrassing things happened on the Chrismas day last year. As the chrismas day was closer , one of my best classmate invited me and some classmate to celebrate the Chrismas day together at her new house.. however , how to get to her new house became the problem between us. As I once called upon her new house before, I comfirmed that I could lead them to her house for my classmates. Later on ,we marched on their new houes with Chrismas gifes in hand. When we entered the way that diverged by 8 to 9 bulidings, I had a little bit confused of which the building was hers. Then, out of not being laugh at by classmate, I pointed at 8 building. No sooner my voice died down than they all rushed onto the fouth floor and knocking out the door. The door opened, they steped in one by one with greeting and bless to host and then placed the gifts on the desk,even some of them found a seat for rest. The host was very puzzle at our coming ,and asked “who are you ?” “we are**,we call**。We respond。“sorry, you are in wrong place. We aren’t **” when my classmates heared of this , All of them stuned with open mouth. At this moment , I felt so embarrass that I expected to find a hole for hiding myself.