當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 自爆蝙蝠在撞過去的時候說的什麽


Troll Batrider


Ready - "Blue troll here." ---蘭色巨魔在此。(憂郁巨魔在此。)(這家夥太喜歡連讀了,聽起來象bluejoinleya)

Warcry - "Flames for Sul'jin!" ---為了Sul'jin!

What1 - "Fire it up man." ---點火,夥計們!(這家夥喜歡把man念成mang)

What2 - "What you want me burn?" ---要我把什麽燒掉?

What3 - "yo" ---唷!

what4 - "we be ?learn" ---(*實在聽不懂,資料也找不到。。*)

What5 - "Ya, ya, what is it?" ---ya,ya,什麽,什麽?

Yes1 - "You the boss." ---妳是老大。

Yes2 - "In fuego(?) baby." ---,寶貝。

Yes3 - *laughs* "Sounds good to me man." ---*大笑*聽起來不錯哈哈

Yes4 - "I be down with that." ---我來把他打倒

Yes5 - *laughs* (象豬拱鼻子的聲音)

YesAttack1 - *laughs* (high pitched) ---*大笑*(聲音更尖的笑)

YesAttack2 - "Catch!" ---點著了!

YesAttack3 - *laughs* (發神經似的笑聲)

YesAttack4 - "Take this."---嘗嘗這個!

SuicideAttack - "The ends justify the means." ---(自殺攻擊)只有結果才能證明方法的真確性。

Pissed1 - "Hey, shut up. The bat can't hear where he's going." ---嘿,閉嘴!蝙蝠在飛行的時候是聽不到的。

Pissed2 - "I can see your house... burning." ---我能看到妳的房子。。。在燃燒!

Pissed3 - "Nana nana nana nana" (to tune of Batman) "Ha! Me!" ---“nananaaaaa”(《蝙蝠俠》的曲子?)哈 !我!

Pissed4 - "My balls are burning." ---(非常可憐的哭聲)我的下面在燃燒.Pissed5 - "Tell my wife I..." *crash* ---告訴我妻子我。。。。*爆裂聲*


"The ends justify the means." ---(自殺攻擊)只有結果才能證明方法的正確性。