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The world's cheapest man finally went to the dentist to have his teeth fixed,


"Well, sir," said the dentist,


"I'm afraid you've waited too long to get these teeth attended to. They'll all have to e out.”


"How much will that cost?" inquired the skinflint.


"A thousand dollars. "


Here 's a hundred ,"said the tightwad ,"Just loosen them up a bit.""



A Jew opens a kosher restaurant in London and puts a notice in the window:"ARABS NOT WELE"; a couple of days later, a person of obviously Arab origin walks in and requests a sandwich-so the cashier quickly runs into the office asking what to do. The owner decides that he really doesn’t want a scandal,so he orders,"OK,give him the sandwich, but charge him double--that should teach him."

壹個猶太人在倫敦開了壹家猶太教餐館,在餐館的窗戶上寫著:“ *** 人不許入內”的字樣。過了幾天,壹個特征鮮明的 *** 人走進餐館想要壹個三明治。收銀員馬上跑到辦公室問該怎麽辦。餐館老板不想惹事生非,於是就說,“好吧,賣他壹個三明治,但是要收他兩倍錢,這樣就能給他壹個教訓了。”

But the next day the same Arab is back again壹this time for a full lunch; the owner decides" Charge him triple,he’11 get the lesson this time!” The Arab eats his lunch, pays without a quibble, praises the food and even asks for a reservation for 10 of his friends for the same evening. The owner decides`OK,1et him have the reservation, but if his friends do e,charge them tenfold!” The Arabs appear in the evening, have a large dinner, pay without plaining and even tip generously. So the next day the owner puts a new sign in the window: "JEWS NOT WELE."

但是第二天,那個 *** 人又來了,這回他要了壹整套午餐。老板決定收他三倍的錢,這樣他就知道厲害了!那個 *** 人吃過午餐後通通快快的付了錢,還稱贊食物非常好吃,甚至預定了當天晚上十個人的晚餐。老板想了想說:“沒問題,就讓他預定,但是等他的朋友來了就收他們十倍的錢!”等到晚上,那些 *** 人真的來了,點了好多菜,毫無怨言地付了十倍的錢,而且還大方地給了不少小費。於是第三天,老板在窗戶上寫了壹行新字:“猶太人不許人內”。


And You Think You've Got Problems


"Boy, have I got problems!" the man said to the psychiatrist.


"Go ahead and tell me about them "


"Well, to start with, I've got an estate in the country,three Mercedes and a luxury yacht. ."


"So, what's the problem?"


"I only make $ 100 a week!"


以上就是我為大家帶來的,希望大家喜歡! ?