But I still remember the shit like it was yesterday though
You walked in, yellow jump suit
妳走了進來 壹身黃色的連衣褲
Whole room, cracked jokes
整個房間 (cracked jokes不知意思)
Once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke
有次妳進錄音室 我對妳說 (like smoke我不知意思)
Went through friends, some of them I put on
But they just left, they said was riding to a death
但他們卻走了 說是開車去滅亡(不知意思)
But where the f-ck are they now
Now that I need them I dont see none of them
All I see is Slim
我只看到slim(slim shady)
F-ck all you fair-weather friends
All I need is him
F-cking backstabbers
When the chips were down you just laughed at us
當我們出事的時候 妳們卻在嘲笑我們
Now you bout to feel the wrath of aftermath, faggots
現在妳們這些鳥人將要受到結果(雙關:dr dre自己的唱片業品牌)的狂怒 (faggot是罵人同性戀的意思)
You gon see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the f-ck we been?
妳們會看到我們重新回到錄音室 然後問我們之前幹什麽去了
You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass
妳可以來拍馬屁 親我優柔寡斷的屁股(ass crack maggot是很惡心的東西 這裏省略了)也拍eminem的馬屁(cracker白人的意思)
Little crack a jack beat making wack math,
來點(crack a jack不知意思)節奏 (wack math我也不知道什麽意思)
Backwards producers, Im back bastards
回到後幕做制作人 雜種們我回來了
One more CD and then I’m packing up my bags and as I’m leaving again
再出壹張cd我就金盆洗手 離開這裏
I’ll guarantee they scream Dre don’t leave us like that man cause…
我保證他們會叫道:dre不要像那個人壹樣離開我 因為。。。