1、Would you like to be the sun in my life?
A: Would you like to be the sun in my life?
B: Aww, Yes!
A: Very well, then. Stay 99558876 miles away from me.
2、How much do you love me?
A: How much do you love me?
B: As many as the stars in the sky.
A: Good! ... Wait! It's daytime now...
B: There's no stars in the sky in the daytime.
1 Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy."
好孩子 小羅伯特向媽媽要兩分錢。 ?昨天給妳的錢幹什麽了 我給了壹個可憐的老太婆,?他回答說。 ?妳真是個好孩子,?媽媽驕傲地說。?再給妳兩分錢。可妳為什麽對那位老太太那麽感興趣呢 她是個賣糖果的。?
2 Nest and Hair My sister, a primary school teacher, was informed by one of her pupils that a bird had built its nest in the tree outside the classroom. "What kind of bird?" my sister asked. "I didn't see the bird, ma' am, only the nest," replied the child. "Then, can you give us a description of the nest?" my sister encouraged her . "Well, ma'am, it just resembles your hair. " Notes:
(1) inform v.告訴 (2) nest n.窩;巢 (3) description n.描述 (4) encourage v.鼓勵 (5) resemble v. 相似;類似 .鳥窩與頭發 我姐姐是壹位小學老師。壹次壹個學生告訴她說壹只鳥兒在教室外 的樹上壘了個窩。 ?是什麽鳥呢?我姐姐問她。 ?我沒看到鳥兒,老師,只看到鳥窩。?那孩子回答說。 ?那麽,妳能給我們描述壹下這個鳥巢嗎?我姐姐鼓勵她道。 ?哦,老師,就像妳的頭發壹樣。?
3 I've Just Bitten My Tongue "Are we poisonous?" the young snake asked his mother. "Yes, dear," she replied - "Why do you ask?" "Cause I've just bitten my tongue! " Notes:
(1) poisonous adj.有毒的 (2) Cause I've just bitten my tongue 因為我剛咬了自己的舌頭。 句中 Cause 是 Because 的縮略形式。 我剛咬破自己的舌頭 ?我們有毒嗎?壹個年幼的蛇問它的母親。 ?是的,親愛的,?她回答說,?妳問這個幹什麽 因為我剛剛咬破自己的舌頭。
4 Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys. 猴子會和跳蚤有什麽不同呢?妳可能會直接的想到它們倆是壹大壹小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以長跳蚤,而跳蚤身上卻不能有猴子。這個答案很有意思吧?
Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world? A: The snail. It carries its house on its back. 因為snail(蝸牛)的後背上總是背著壹所房子,所以說蝸牛是世界上最強壯的生物是不足為奇的。妳說呢?
Several weeks after our son began his freshman year at Alma College in Michigan, my husband and I decided to visit him. I was careful to call
him a few days in advance to "warn" him that we would be coming. When we arrived at the dorm, however, I was taken aback by the disarray of his room. "Forgot we were coming, didn?t you?" I teased.
"Are you kidding?" he replied, "Why else would I have bothered to clean?" 提醒
我們的兒子是密歇根州阿爾馬大學的新生,開學幾個星期之後,我和丈夫決定去看看他。我特意提前給他打電話,?提醒?他我們將光臨。但是當我們來到宿舍時,他的房間淩亂不堪,我非常吃驚。?忘了我們要來,是吧?我取笑他。 ?開什麽玩笑?,他回答說,?要不我憑什麽費神打掃?
Ground Rules
One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known of his droll sense of humor. Explaining his ground rules to one freshman class, he said, "Now I know my lectures can often be dry and boring, so I don?t mind if you look at your watches during class. I do, however, object to your pounding them on the desk to make sure they?re still running." 基本原則