各種各樣的 all kinds of
花時間研究農業 spend time studying agriculture
在每年適當的時間 at the right time of every year
年復壹年 year after year
扮演……角色 play the role of
講笑話 tell jokes
演小品 play an cameo
大笑 laugh loudly
有……目的 have the purpose of
從另壹方向過來 come from another direction
因……生某人的氣 get angry with ** for ...
美國人用外國口音講話聽起來很滑稽 An American talks in another speech sounds funny.
這座城鎮的歷史可追溯到羅馬時期 The histroy of this town starts since the period of Rome.
請編寫壹個新的對話 Please make a new dialogue.
誰將為這對夫婦主持婚禮 Who is going to presidefor this couple's marriage service .
停電以後,整個城市壹片混亂 The whole city got disorderly after a power failure.
這座雕像是用大理石雕成的 this statuary is made of marble.
使每個人高興的是,老師恢復了健康 The teacher got healthy again,it made every one happy.
他因科學成就獲得了政府的獎勵 He got the price from the goverment for his science achievements.
那部影片使觀眾很激動 The movie excited the viewers.