當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - wow血精靈種族女生的笑話是什麽


血精靈女: No, no, I won't do that, but my sister will! 不,不,我不會這麽做的……不過我妹妹會!(做什麽?各位男性玩家捫心自問去……) Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again? 妳相信壹見鐘情麽?還是我們應該再邂逅壹次?(臭屁的小丫頭……) I went to the Undercity to get a facial, ah, have you seen these people?! I said, you don't have a lower jaw and you‘re gonna give me a facial? She got mad; at least I think she did. You ever heard someone talk without a lower jaw? #$%@& haha, she sounded like a murloc! 我去幽暗城做面部美容,天啊,妳見過那幫家夥嘛!我說:妳自己連下巴都沒有,卻要給我做面部美容?她生氣了,至少我想是這樣。妳聽過沒有下巴的人說話麽?#$%@&(惡意模仿) 哈哈,她聽上去就像個魚人! Oh, I hate Thunder Bluff, you can't find a good burger anywhere! 哦,我討厭雷霆崖,妳根本找不到好吃的漢堡!(嗯,欺負完亡靈MM又去欺負牛牛了) Mirrors can't talk, luckily for you they can't laugh either! 鏡子不會說話。對妳來說幸運的是,它們也不會笑.(各位女性玩家千萬忍住不要砸顯示器……) How can I miss you if you don't go away? 妳不離開我怎麽能想妳呢?(說妳呢,屏幕前流口水那個!) Do you think the expansion will make me fat? 妳覺得資料片會讓我變胖嘛?(Expansion 同時有“資料片”和“擴張”的意思) So you mean I'm stuck with this hair color? 妳的意思是我這壹輩子只能這壹種發色了?(臭美的小丫頭,要怪怪暴雪去……)
