Before you were born, your parents weren"t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room. 7.妳的學校也許已經不再分優等生和劣等生,但生活卻仍在做出類似區分。某些學校已經廢除不及格分,只要妳想找到正確答案,學校會給妳無數次機會。這和現實生活中的任何事情沒有壹點相似之處。 Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they"ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn"t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. 8.生活不分學期,妳並沒有暑假可以休息,也沒有幾位雇主樂於幫助妳發現自我。自己找時間做吧。 Life is not divided into semesters. You don"t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time. 9.電視不是真實的生活。現實生活中,人們實際上得離開咖啡屋去幹自己的工作。 Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. 10.善待乏味的人。有可能到頭來妳在工作中也會變成壹個乏味的人。 Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one.
還有三毛的:6 don't go to see the wound, it will someday become scarred, scars don't faded, but it won't hurt.
7. If I don't like it, I will not marry a millionaire
8 if I like, a multi-millionaire also marry
9 then I, is a beautiful woman. I know, I smile, like spring, will be moved people -- for who he is.
11. The dream of flower know how much if not success, also not blank.
The long journey through 12 of the joy, happiness, but only several thousand tears, but have done thousands of different kinds of pain pain, it couldn't tear, only to time.
13. "I am a free man like air, to interfere in my mind free time, never compromise."
16. After all, happiness is compared, stay, and not strong, but in the heart of bitterness, cut the repeal of pain, my skin is still say, "for the sake of the love, the bitter cup farewell, or let me drink!"
17. "I am finally understand my life in the eyes of the person I love how important it is to have long... I love, I care not to have long.
19 "even death, besides the courage to live?"
23 because god constant love, I can learn to love this world a weed and blade.
Ten cubits, and relates the boundless hugecrowd, or to place
27 I came in front of the opposing station, said to himself: if you can't rewind time, let it all, with breeze but go to.
28 locked my memory, locked my sadness, no longer think again, how can you, happy is forbidden, life and death, find the key to enter.
31. Sometimes we want to his cruel, cannot indulge sad down, Sometimes we want to their loved ones, will be cruel to their love of memory
33 to you very old and I'm old, both walk also helped motionless, wear clean clothes, lie on the bed, close your eyes say: ok! Toghter go!
35 every miss you once, the sky falls from a grain of sand, and formed the Sahara翻譯:6.不要去看那個傷口,它有壹天會結疤的,疤痕不褪,可它不會再痛。
7. 如果我不喜歡,百萬富翁我也不嫁
8. 如果我喜歡,千萬富翁也嫁
9. 那時的我,是壹個美麗的女人。我知道,我笑,便如春花,必能感動人的——任他是誰.
11. 夢裏花落知多少中的即使不成功,也不至於空白.
12. 萬水千山走遍中的世上的歡樂幸福,總結起來只有幾種,而千行的眼淚,卻有千種不同的疼 痛,那打不開的淚結,只有交給時間去解.
13. “我是壹個像空氣壹樣自由的人,妨礙我心靈自由的時候,絕不妥協。”
16. 畢竟,先走的是比較幸福的,留下來的,也並不是強者,可是,在這徹心的苦,切膚的疼痛裏,我仍是要說——“為了愛的緣故,這永別的苦杯,還是讓我來喝下吧!”
17. “我終於明白我的生命在愛我的人眼裏是多麽的重要……我的愛有多長,我的牽掛與不 舍也就有多長。
19. “連死的勇氣都有,何況活呢?”
23. 因為上帝恒久不變的大愛,我就能學著去愛這世上的壹草壹木壹沙.
25. 紅塵十丈,茫茫的人海,竟還是自己的來處
27. 我迎著朝野站在大海的面前,對自己說:如果時光不能倒流,就讓這壹切,隨風而去吧.
28. 鎖上我的記憶,鎖上我的憂傷,不再想妳,怎麽可能再想妳,快樂是禁地,生死之後,找不到進去的鑰匙 。
31. 有時候我們要對自己殘忍壹點,不能縱容自己的傷心失望;有時候我們要對自己深愛的人殘忍壹點,將對他們的愛的記憶擱置
33. 要到妳很老我也很老,兩個人都走不動也扶不動了,穿上幹幹凈凈的衣服,壹齊躺在床上,閉上眼睛說:好吧!壹齊去吧!
35. 每想妳壹次,天上飄落壹粒沙,從此形成了撒哈拉。