a)Ten animals I slam in a net.
妳註意到這句話有什麽特別之處嗎?對了,無論從左到右,還是從右到左,字母排列順序都是壹樣的,英語把這叫做Palindromes 回文(指順讀和倒讀都壹樣的詞語),關於動物的回文還有以下的例子
Otto saw pup ; pup was Otto. (奧托看見了小狗,小狗的名字叫奧托)
Was it a car or a cat I saw ?
Was it a rat I saw ? (我剛才看見的是條老鼠?)
b)the bee's knees
[例] She is a very poor singer but she thinks she's the bee's knees. (她五音不全卻自認為是高高在上的壹流歌手。)
該表現起源於20年代的美國,僅僅因為bee's 和 knees押韻,瑯瑯上口,迅速得到流傳,直到現在, 還在日常生活非正式場合的對話中經常使用。
Time is money.
Time flies.
Time has wings.
Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
Time stays not the fool's leisure.
Time and I against any two.
Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.
Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.
Time undermines us.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Time cannot be won again.
Time is , time was , and time is past.
Time lost can not be recalled.
Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.
Time tries friends as fire tries gold.
Time tries truth.
Time is the father of truth.
Time will tell.
Time brings the truth to light.
Time and chance reveal all secrets.
Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.
Time reveals(discloses) all things.
Time tries all.
There is no time like the present.
Take time by the forelock.
To choose time is to save time.
Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
One of these days is none of these days.
Tomorrow never comes.
What may be done at any time will be done at no time.
Time works wonders.
Time works great changes.
Times change.
Excuse me. Where could I wash my hands?
That’s Ok. Stay. She only wants to wash her hands.
在英語裏,wash my hands實際上是上廁所的委婉說法。那個服務員按照字面意思理解,結果鬧了笑話。
Hi! What’s the good word?
My God! I don’t know the good word. I’ve studied English for years, but no one told me about the good word!
Hello. What’s the good word?
Oh, not much.
原來,What’s the good word? 在美語裏,是壹句問候語,意思是“妳還好嗎?”但問話的人並不指望妳把遇到的高興的事情都壹壹告訴他,只是打個招呼而已。但這個留學生以為對方真的在問什麽是Good word,所以鬧了笑話,不過還好,也算給他歪打正著了。
I need a head count telling the number of people in your factory, the number of people in your office, broken down by sex.
在上面的傳真裏,broken down by sex是“按照性別分開”的意思,但是分公司的外國職員沒有理解“broken down by sex”的意思。不過break something/someone down倒是還有壹個意思,就是“把某事物,把某人壓服”。
Here is your head count. Here we have thirty-five people in our factory, fifteen people in our office, five people in the hospital, none broken down by sex.
最後,他還加了壹句:And if you really must know, our problem down here is with alcohol. (如果妳非要知道,我們這兒的問題是飲酒過度。)
查字典,break down就是“把……壓服,把……壓垮”的意思,因此外國職員就把broken down by sex理解成了“因為縱欲過度而垮了”,但是在那樣的語言環境下,broken down by sex實際上是“按照性別分開”的意思。美國人壹下子就理解的東西,在外國人眼裏,就成了匪夷所思。可見,語言學習還真是麻煩。最好的辦法當然是不斷積累,還有,如果有不懂的東西,壹定要問明白!
a)Ten animals I slam in a net. 把十只動物壹網打盡妳註意到這句話有什麽特別之處嗎?對了,無論從左到右,還是從右到左,字母排列順序都是壹樣的,英語把這叫做Palindromes回文(指順讀和倒讀都壹樣的詞語)。
Otto saw pup ; pup was Otto.(奧托看見了小狗,小狗的名字叫奧托)
Was it a car or a cat I saw ?
Was it a rat I saw ?(我剛才看見的是條老鼠?)
b)the bee's knees又來形容最好的至高無上的東西。
[例] She is a very poor singer but she thinks she's the bee's knees.(她五音不全卻自認為是高高在上的壹流歌手。)
Santa Claus' reindeer(聖誕老人的馴鹿)
妳知道聖誕老人的馴鹿是怎麽來的嗎?它們是Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863 美國作家)所寫的‘A Visit from St. Nicholas’1823作品裏出現的Dasher、Dancer、Prancer、Vixen、Comet、Cupid、Donner、Blitzen等8頭
the world is my oyster (世界是我的牡蠣)
if the world is my oyster 經常作為“如果我的夢想得以實現的話”的意思使用。該句來源於莎士比亞的The Merry Wives of Windsor (1600)Ⅱ?ⅱ?2中,惡棍Pistol對決意不肯借錢的Sir John Falstaff說、“Why then the world's mine oyster, / Which I with sword will open.”(這個世界如同我的牡蠣壹樣,我可以用刀子把它撬開。)人們應用這句話是常把原文的mine該成my.這句話也常常出現在Willy Loman的臺詞中