a father decided to tell his o sons
ages seven and nine
the facts of life. He checked out several books from the library on how parents should approach the subject. After stumbling through an explanation
he took a deep breath
and said
do you have any questions?" "Yes
" the younger boy answered immediately. "Go ahead
" said the man
his heart in his throat. "Can we
" his son asked
"have new baseball gloves?"當妻子要生第三胎時,父親決定給分別已七歲和九歲的兩個兒子講關於性的知識。他從圖書館查出幾本書,都是關於父母如何涉及這個話題的。在結結巴巴地解釋壹番後,他長出了壹口氣,然後說:“好了,孩子們,有什麽問題嗎?” “有,”小兒子立即回答。 “問吧,”爸爸說,心提到了嗓子眼兒。 “我們,”兒子問道,“可以得到新棒球手套了嗎?”