Once
two
hunters
went
hunting
in
the
forest.
One
of
them
suddenly
fell
down
by
accident.
He
showed
the
whites
of
his
eyes
and
seemed
to
have
ceased
breathing.
The
other
hunter
soon
took
out
his
mobile
phone
to
call
the
emergency
center
for
help.
The
operator
said
calmly:"First,
you
should
make
sure
that
he
is
already
dead."
Then
the
operator
heard
a
gunshot
from
the
other
end
of
the
phone
and
next
he
heard
the
hunter
asking:"What
should
do
next?"
兩個獵人進森林裏打獵,其中壹個獵人不慎跌倒,兩眼翻白,似已停止呼吸。另壹個獵人趕緊拿出手機撥通緊急求助電話。接線員沈著地說:“第壹步,要先確定妳的朋友已經死亡。”於是,接線員在電話裏聽到壹聲槍響,然後聽到那獵人接著問:“第二步怎辦?”