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求09年春晚小品《北京歡迎妳》 的臺詞(英文版最好)

Welcome to Beijing

迎接另壹個晨曦 帶來全新空氣 Another morning is coming, and brings in the fresh air

氣息改變情味不變 茶香飄滿情誼 Our friendship will never change, just like the fragrance of green tea

我家大門常打開 開放懷抱等妳 My door is always open for you, and I’m here for you with open arms

擁抱過就有了默契 妳會愛上這裏 You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here

不管遠近都是客人請不用客氣 no matter distance is all the guest, Please don't stand on ceremony

相約好了在壹起 我們歡迎妳 You are here as promised, friends we welcome you

我家種著萬年青 開放每段傳奇 I grow green plant at home to show you all the legends in the past

為傳統的土壤播種 為妳留下回憶 I want to plant in the soil to make you good memories

陌生熟悉都是客人請不用拘禮 Friends and strangers, you are all my guests, and please be at home

第幾次來沒關系 有太多話題 No matter how many times we meet, there are still a lot to talk about

北京歡迎妳 為妳開天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流動中的魅力充滿著朝氣 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京歡迎妳 在太陽下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黃土地刷新成績 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

我家大門常打開 開懷容納天地 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world

歲月綻放青春笑容 迎接這個日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome this date

天大地大都是朋友請不用客氣 We are all friends, please make yourself at home

畫意詩情帶笑意 只為等待妳poetry and Painting With all the smiles, I'm only waiting for you

北京歡迎妳 像音樂感動妳 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

讓我們都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京歡迎妳 有夢想誰都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream

有勇氣就會有奇跡 Just be brave and there will be a miracle

北京歡迎妳 為妳開天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流動中的魅力充滿著朝氣 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京歡迎妳 在太陽下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黃土地刷新成績 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

北京歡迎妳 像音樂感動妳 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

讓我們都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京歡迎妳 有夢想誰都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream

有勇氣就會有奇跡 Just be brave and there will be a miracle

我家大門常打開 開放懷抱等妳 My door is always open for you, and I’m wait for you with open arms

擁抱過就有了默契 妳會愛上這裏 You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here

不管遠近都是客人請不用客氣 Be my guest no matter you are from home and abroad

相約好了在壹起 我們歡迎妳 You are here as promised, friends we welcome you

北京歡迎妳 為妳開天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流動中的魅力充滿著朝氣 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京歡迎妳 在太陽下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黃土地刷新成績 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

我家大門常打開 開懷容納天地 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world

歲月綻放青春笑容 迎接這個日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome this date

天大地大都是朋友請不用客氣 We are all friends, please make yourself at home

畫意詩情帶笑意 只為等待妳poetry and Painting With all the smiles, I'm only waiting for you

北京歡迎妳 像音樂感動妳 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

讓我們都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京歡迎妳 有夢想誰都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream

有勇氣就會有奇跡 Just be brave and there will be a miracle

北京歡迎妳 為妳開天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流動中的魅力充滿著朝氣 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京歡迎妳 在太陽下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黃土地刷新成績 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

北京歡迎妳 像音樂感動妳 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

讓我們都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京歡迎妳 有夢想誰都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream

有勇氣就會有奇跡 Just be brave and there will be a miracle