1. 我以為沒有看到就好 If only I haven't seen
2. 洋蔥濃湯 Onion Soup
3. 謎底 Answers to the riddle
4. 習慣了 Used to It
5. 左右 Beside me
6. 最好是 The best
7. Martini
8. 海洋 Oceans
9. 姊妹淘萬歲 Long Live Sisterhood
10. 壹個人浪漫 One person's romance
‘擁有’新歌+精選集 (2004)
01. 愛壹個人快樂 Love One's Happiness
02. 放心壹博 Give it a Go
03. 半生緣 18 Springs
04. 擦身而過 We passed by each other
05. 愛再靠近壹點 Love, Move a little Closer
06. 投懷送抱 Falling into your arms
07. 雲深深雨蒙蒙 Dense Cloud, Misty Rain
08. 夜宿蘭桂坊 Overnight in Lan Kuai Fong
09. 冬眠地圖 Hibernating Map
10. 新浪漫 New Romance
11. 壹百八十分鐘零七秒 180 Minutes and 7 Seconds
12. 采心 Harvesting Hearts
13. 笑話 Joke
14. 生死相許 Till Death Do Us Part
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