Bob: Doctor, how to tell a guy has intellectual deficiency who seems normal?
Doctor: It's very easy. You can ask him a question. He must be have intellectual deficiency if he can't answer.
Bob: what's the question?
Doctor: Captain Hook had travled world 3 times and he died in one time, which time?
Bob: Excuse me? Do you have another questions? I have to admit that I don't familar with the history
Asking for help
One day a police station get a call from a very nerves girl.
"Sir! Help! Help!"
"Miss, please calm down, what's wrong?"
"There is a cat coming in my room
"oh, I think it's not a big deal for a cat's coming"
"No, no this cat is very dengerous, the cat is dengerous"
"Miss, the cat is really not dengerous"
"Sir, are you police station? Please come to help me after I called you if you are a police. The cat is here now. It's dengerous"
"Miss, Who heil are you?"
"I'm a parrot, I'm a parrot"
the hedgehogs on the road
two hedgehog came to the road and they want to cross the road on the zebra crossing
one of the hedgehog said:"Don't do this!"
another one asked:"Why not?"
first one said:"You will know after you see the accedent that happened to the zebra"
the polar bear family
A little polar bear asked his mom a question
little polar bear: "Mom, are you sure I am a polar bear? not a cola or a brown bear"
Momy:"Yes you are, my boy."
and the little polar bear went to ask his dady
little polar bear:"Dady, are you sure I am a polar bear? not a cola or a brown bear"
Dady: "Yes you are, boy"
Latter the little polar bear went to ask his grandpa.
little polar bear:"Grandpa, are you sure I am a polar bear? not a cola or a brown bear"
grandpa: "Yes you are, boy, why you ask like this?"
little polar bear:"because I feel cold"