黎元洪說的這句話是就當時中國黨派林立問題發表的意見。林語堂的《吾國與吾民》中也有評價:Mencius was a great rogue when he declared the chief desires of mankind to be food and women, or alimentation and reproduction. The late President Li Ylianhung was also a great rogue when he pronounced the heartily accepted dictum of Chinese political philosophy and formula for solving all Chinese party differences by saying "When there is rice, let everybody share it" President Li was a grim realist without knowing it, and he spoke wiser than he knew when he was thus giving an economic interpretation of current Chinese history. The economic interpretation of history is not new to the Chinese people, nor is the biologic interpretation of human life of the iSmile Zola school. With Zola, it is an intellectual fad, but with us it is a matter of national consciousness. In China one does not have to learn to become a realist: here one is born a realist. President Li Ytianhung was never noted for power of cerebration, but, as a Chinese, he instinctively felt that all political problems are not, and should not be, anything but problems of the rice-bowl. As a Chinese, he gave thus the profoundest explanation of Chinese politics of which I know. This nonchalant and materialistic attitude is based on the very shrewd view of life to which only old people and old nations can attain. It would be futile for young men under thirty to understand it, as it is futile for young nations of the West to try to appreciate it. Perhaps it was no mere accident that the very name of Laotse, the author of Taotehking^ the Bible of Taoism, means an "old man."可以配套理解。