當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 幫忙把壹個中文笑話翻譯成英文嗎 這個笑話是來自於壹個我的壹個朋友,他的名字叫Tom,壹次周末

幫忙把壹個中文笑話翻譯成英文嗎 這個笑話是來自於壹個我的壹個朋友,他的名字叫Tom,壹次周末

This joke is from one of my one friend, his name is Tom, a weekend, Tom and his dad at home, Tom is very want to play the computer, but his father asked him to finish the job in order to play on the computer. So tom told his father said: I play 10 minutes on the computer, I promise Dad: Why should I believe you? tom then said if I still play after 10 minutes that puppy! Dad: I'll believe you me one back

10 minutes later

Dad time to do homework go play

tom did not answer him that his father becomes angry you say do you want to default? Tom looked at his father said I certainly will not default I will abide by it. Then he cried in front of his father, bark!
