唐僧:Emitofo,do you know where we are now?
八戒:I know,I know。This is 火焰山。It’s too hot!
How to pass it!
Why do we have so many difficulties to the west!
Let’s go home
You go back to 花果山
You go back to 松花江
I go back to 高老莊
沙僧:Brother pig! Don’t give up! Everything is possible.I believe I can fly ,I believe I can touch the sky
唐僧:We overcame many difficulties
How can we give up?
Just do it ,悟空,do you have any ideas?
悟空:let me think!ha-ha,My brother, Mrs.牛, has a wife, she has a 扇子。
Can blow out the fire. I can borrow it.
大家齊說:Oh, really! Hurry up, hurry up, and go go go!