當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - (我要寫壹篇英語作文《我的班級》,我班壹***有6人,學校是金童輔導班有壹位劉老師。)拜托了!


我的班級 我們班有6個同學,還有壹個漂亮的老師,我就是生活在這樣壹個大家庭裏。 在金童輔導班的我是個文靜的女孩|帥氣的男孩。老師中等身材,有著常常的頭發。我是壹個非常受歡迎的人,我喜歡講笑話大家都喜歡我。 這就是我的班級,妳喜歡嗎

In our class there are 6 students in our class, and a beautiful teacher, I live in a big family. In his class I was a quiet girl | handsome boy. The teacher of medium height, with long hair. I am a very popular person, I like to joke that everyone likes me. This is my class, do you like it