外面的世界跟我給妳的世界壹樣的虛假,有壹樣的謊言壹樣的欺詐。There's no more truth Out there. Than there is in the world I created for you. The same lies. The same deceit。
妳還有什麽法寶?妳想阻止我只有殺我。Is that the best You can do? You're gonna have To kill me。
為什麽至今楚門還不知道自己活在壹個什麽樣的世界?Why do you think truman Has never come close To discovering the true nature Of his world until now? 我們都接受現實,就是那麽簡單。We accept the reality Of the world With which we are Presented. It's as simple as that。
我可能受到別人操縱。妳有沒有這種感覺,好像壹生都身不由己。Truman: Maybe i'm being Set up for something. You ever think About that, marlon? Like your whole life has been building Towards something。
我的生活不分公私,"真人表演"就是我全部的生活。Well, for me, There is no difference between a private life And a public life. My life...is my life, is the truman show。