生日:秘密喜歡的食物:甜的討厭的食物:辣的喜歡的顏色:紅色橙色白色喜歡的電視節目:烹飪料理(因為可以看到美味的食物) Birthday: Secret Favorite food: sweet and nasty food: spicy favorite color: red orange white favorite TV shows: cooking food (because you can see the delicious food)
喜歡的花:向日葵最能和小可玩到壹起的守護者:斯比(是斯比奈魯的假身份,吃到甜點就會發瘋) Favorite flower: Sunflower best together and the small playable guardian: Si ratio (which is more than Sri Lanka Nayrou of false identities, eat dessert will be mad)
現在想要的東西:新的遊戲軟件住處:現住在小櫻的房間的抽屜裏,小櫻給他造的房間。 Now what they want: a new game software residence: We now live in Sakura's room drawer, Sakura made room for him.
壹個本名和長相似乎連不起來的角色。 A real name and appearance did not seem to even up the role. 小可雖然經常無所是事,愛打電動,愛吃甜點,有時甚至鬧出笑話;但小可卻是小櫻收服庫洛牌時最好的幫手,經常告訴小櫻庫洛卡特性,幫小櫻想辦法收復庫洛卡。 Hsiao Ke Although often nothing to do, love play video games, eat dessert, and sometimes even a fool of themselves; but it is Sakura Shou Fu Hsiao Ke kulo license the best helper, often tells Sakura library loca features, to help Sakura think of ways to recover the database loca. 他經常跟小狼為了搶風頭而吵架,叫小狼小鬼,是壹個非常有趣、搞笑的角色。 He often quarreled with the coyotes for publicity stunts and called coyotes little devil, is a very interesting and funny role. 小可需要「火」牌與「地」牌才能恢復原形。 Hsiao Ke need to "fire" brand with a "ground" brand in order to restore original shape.
問題補充: Questions added: 主人:木之本櫻生日:秘密象征:太陽屬性:陽(光) Owner: Kinomoto Sakura Birthday: secret symbol: Sun attributes: yang (light)
眼睛:金色身體:偏橘色的金色魔法系統:西洋魔法喜歡的食物:甜食喜歡的事:熱鬧、有趣的事討厭的事:悲傷、寂寞的事偽裝的姿態:有白色翅膀的橘色玩偶擅長:胡言亂語,打電動喜歡的顏色: 紅、菊喜歡的花: 向日葵喜歡的食物: 甜食討厭的食物: 會辣的食物喜歡的節目: 猜謎節目最想要的東西: 最新的電玩現在住的地方:現住在小櫻的房間的抽屜裏(當然是沒恢復原形的時候嘛) Eyes: Gold Body: Partial orange golden magic system: Western Magic Favorite Food: sweets favorite things: lively, interesting things annoying things: sadness, loneliness disguised gesture thing: orange with white wings, doll good : nonsense, playing video favorite color: red, daisy-like flowers: Sunflower Favorite food: sweets nasty food: spicy food will enjoy the program: quiz show's most wanted: The latest video is now live places: now living in Sakura's room in a drawer (of course, is no time to restore prototype Well)
還是用這段來自我介紹吧. Or use of this bar from my description.
提問者: 丫丫小朋友 - 六級