Man: If I had opened my mouth, they'd have found my four gold teeth. That would be much worse.
Q: Why is England the wettest country? A: Because the queen has reigned there for years! 問:為什麽英國是最潮濕的國家?答: 因為女王已經統治那裏很多年!
Q:Why did the Siamese twins move to England? A: So the other one could drive!
問:為什麽連體雙胞胎搬到英國? 答:所以另外壹個人可以開車!
Q:Want to hear a dirty joke? A: ( A kid jumped into a mud puddle.)
問:想聽黃段子嗎?答: 壹個小孩跳進泥坑裏。
Q: What does the Loch Ness monster eat? A: Fish and ships
問:尼斯湖水怪吃什麽? 答:魚和船