there was a lot of dust everywhere
and by half past elve
they were very thirsty
so they stopped work to have their lunch. They found the nearest *** all bar
went in and sat down with their sandwiches. Good afternoon
gentlemen. What can I get you? The man behind the bar asked. Joe looked at Fred and said
I think. Yes
a pint of beer each. Is that all right for you
Fred? Yes
that's all right. Fred said. Then he turned to the man behind the bar and said
And I want it in a clean glass! Don't fet that. The man behind the bar filled the glasses and brought them to Joe and Fred. Then he said. Which of you asked for the clean glass? 幹凈的杯子 喬和佛瑞德在壹個村子裏幫忙蓋壹間房子。天氣很暖和,到處都有許多灰塵。12點半的時候,他們覺得非常口渴,便停下來去吃午飯了。他們找到最近的壹家酒吧,走進去坐下吃他們的三明治。 下午好,先生。妳們想要點什麽?櫃臺後面的伺應問道。 喬看了看佛瑞德說:我想,啤酒吧。好,那就每人壹品脫啤酒。這樣可以嗎,佛瑞德? 好的,可以。佛瑞德說。然後他轉過去跟櫃臺後面的侍應說:我要啤酒裝在壹個幹凈的杯子裏!別忘了。 櫃臺後面的侍應倒滿杯子後,拿給喬和佛瑞德,接著說:剛才哪壹位要幹凈的杯子的?