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iphone4 S 的siri能識別哪些話,中文和英語都寫上謝謝

iPhone 4S聲控功能Siri十大功能常用語

查詢天氣: 直接問Siri,它就會把壹周內所問地點的天氣列出來。

What’s the weather like today?今天天氣怎麽樣?

Will it rain in (city name)?**會下雨嗎?

What’s the upcoming forecast?接下來的天氣怎樣?

Do I need an umbrella today?今天我要帶傘嗎?

Is the weather going to getworse today?今天天氣會變壞嗎?

設置提醒:提醒(Reminder)是iOS 5中新加入的功能,它能夠結合LBS這項基於位置的服務,根據根據位置進行事件的提醒,當妳到達某壹地點時,提醒就會自動激活。現在通過Siri,我們只需要說句話就能讓它幫我們設置提醒了。

Remind me to (do sth.) when (time).

Eg. 1. Remind me to pick up my purse when I leavework. 我下班時提醒我帶上我的錢包。

2. Remind me to call Mom when I get home.提醒我回家給我媽媽打電話。

3. Remind me to make a dentist appointment when I get to work. 提醒我上班約壹個牙醫。


Send a text to (sb.) and say (sth.)

Tell (sb.)(sth.)

Eg. Tell Mary I will be right there in 5 minutes.

Text (sb.)(sth.)

Eg. Text Ryan I’m on my way


I’m in the mood for ( food) in (some place).

Eg. I’min the mood for French food in Pudong new district. 我想在浦東新區找壹家法國餐廳。

Any good ( food ) around here?


Set up a meeting at (time).


Send an e-mail to (sb.) and say (sth.)

Tell (sb.)(sth.) via my e-mail

E-mail (sb.) about (sth.)


Wake me up at (time)a.m. tomorrow. 明天早上*點鐘把我叫醒。


How could I go/get to (some place)?