與……交談 talk with sb 與……初次見面meet sb. for the fist time
順便(偶然)拜訪某地 drop by 約定時間做……,約會make an appoitment to do
習慣於某事/做某事 be/get used to doing sth 敬茶serve tea for
準時(區別be in time 及時)on time 花時間何某人呆在壹起spend some time with sb
畢竟 after all 變得厭get bored
計劃/打算做某事be going to do sth 鐘表之邦the country of watches
能應付自如地(做)feel free to do sth 邀請某人做……invite sb to do
正如妳所能想象 as you can see 撿起;拾起pick up
應該做某事be supposed to do 把……插進……put into
與……不同 be different from 指向point to
切碎;切開cut off 很開心be glad
做……是粗魯的(表現)it's rude to do 餐桌禮儀table manners
特地(不怕麻煩地)做某事 get on one's way to do 起初at first
使某人感到賓至如歸 make sb feel at home 發現做……是困難的find it different to do
不應該做某事shouldn't do it 不再no longer
發出令人不愉快的聲音make unpleasant noises 以……開始begin with
為……而感謝thanks for 節約時間save time
敬酒 toast for 把……和……組合在壹起combine A and B
贊揚 phraise sb 做鬼臉make faces
自學learn by oneself 用手機給……發短信send message to sb by phone