三、相聚的日子,壹杯純釀的濃酒,充滿流動的相思;新年的鐘聲,壹串燦爛的煙花,寫下喜慶和祥和;溫馨的短信,短短的70字,傳遞無限友誼。新春快樂! Three, days together, a cup of pure wine wine, full of flow of Acacia; the New Year bell, a string of brilliant fireworks, write a festive and peaceful; warm message, 70 short words, transfer unlimited friendship. Happy new year!
四、尊敬的閣下:非常感謝妳壹年來對我的關心,對我的牽掛,和我的聯系,和我的互助;籍新春來臨之即,衷心祝妳新年愉快,身體康健,心想事成,萬事如意。 Four, your Excellency: Thank you for your concern for me in the years to come, to my care, and I, and my help; Ji Chinese New Year is approaching, I sincerely wish you a happy new year, good health, happy, good luck in everything.
五、短信賀歲,歲在平安;安居樂業,業成邦興;興旺發達,祝福給妳;妳我傳遞,幸福有余;新春之際,祝福無限;青春永駐,傳承萬年。 Five, SMS celebrate the new year, at the age of peace; live and work in peace, the industry Bangxing; prosperity, blessing to you; you and I transfer, happiness more than; Spring Festival, infinite blessings; youth, inheritance million years.
六、托空氣做郵差,把我熱騰騰的問候裝訂成包裹,加印上真心的郵戳,用37度恒溫快遞趕春節之前送到妳手上,提前祝妳春節快樂,好運滾滾! Six, asked the air as postman, my hot greetings bound into the package, printed on genuine postmark, to use before 37 degrees thermostatic express to the Spring Festival in your hand, I wish you a happy Spring Festival, the best of luck!
七、爆竹聲聲,壹年又壹年,金龍換金蛇;歡天喜地,朋友傳祝福,親戚串家門;日新月異,舊貌改新容,新春好前景;短信傳遞,祝福送給妳,情誼永長久。 Seven, the sound of firecrackers, year after year, Jinlong change Jinshe; be full of joy, friends blessing, relatives on change rapidly, new old house; instead, Chinese New Year is good prospect; message transfer, best wishes to you, friendship is permanent and long.
八、來來來,廢話不多說了,春節就在眼前。燃壹束禮花,綻放好運給妳;開壹個紅包,喜慶祝福給妳;道壹個萬福,合家歡樂給妳;發壹條短信,真情友誼給妳。 Eight, come here, gibberish did not say more, Spring Festival is around the corner. Burning a bunch of fireworks bloom, good luck to you; a red envelope, festive greetings to you; a blessing, happiness to you; send a message, true friendship to you.
九、春節到,拜年早;送妳壹杯香醇酒,願妳跟著好運走;送妳壹幅吉祥畫,生活幸福人人誇;送妳壹盞紅燈籠,萬事呈祥家業興;新春大吉,提前祝賀! Nine, to the Spring Festival, pay New Year's call early; send you a cup of mellow wine, wish you good luck to walk along; send you a lucky draw, happiness is praise; give you a red lantern, all Chengxiang family Xing; spring down, early congratulate!
十、為什麽我的短信常發給妳,是因為我對妳思念的深;為什麽我的短信飽含煙花的味道,是因為兔年將要來臨;趕在春節的前頭,傳遞祝福給妳,新春大吉。 Ten, why my message often give you, because I miss you deeply; why a message full of fireworks my taste, because the year of the rabbit will come out in the Spring Festival; the front, transfer the best wishes to you, spring.
十壹、春節忙碌不留意,節後調節要牢記:早睡早起精神好,勤加鍛煉養身心;瓜果蔬菜調腸胃,大魚大肉量要少;放松身心多戶外,幸福生活更有味。 Eleven, do not pay attention to adjust the Spring Festival, festival to remember: early to bed and early to rise the spirit of good, and exercise keep body and mind; fruits and vegetables regulating stomach, less meat; relax more outdoor, happy life more flavor.
十二、鐘聲觸動了心靈,煙花爛漫了心情,春晚活躍著喜慶,短信傳遞著祥和。大紅燈籠掛千戶,新春氣息在洋溢,壹串鞭炮若響起,是我的祝願在送妳。春節快樂! Twelve, bell touches the soul, the brilliant Fireworks Gala festive mood, active, short message of peace. The red lanterns hanging in 1000, New Year atmosphere filled with firecrackers, if there is, I wish to send you. Happy spring festival!