The precedent is likely to be forced onto weaker developing countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, 以前的先例很有可能會降臨到較弱的發展中國家,像印度,巴基斯坦和孟加拉國.which have fought a hard-line campaign for the immediate end to the MFA, which sets rules for the bulk of the world textile trade.這些國家都曾為了MFA的立即停止而形成鞏固的陣線,現在為世界紡織貿易的主要交易設立了規則。 During preliminary talks, India vainly pushed for the complete liberalization of textiles and clothing so this key sector could be covered for the first time by the rules of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.在初步的談判中,印度徒勞地推動它的紡織和服裝的自由化,所以這壹關鍵部分可以首次在關貿總協定的規則裏被覆蓋.