當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - “平等”的英文翻譯


equalization 例句與用法 1. hi the past 50 years , great success has been achieved in equality of opportunities in education our country has been seeking , and on the whole there is an equal tendency 半個世紀以來,我國在追求教育機會均等方面取得了巨大的成就,整體上教育呈現出平等化趨勢,但目前仍然存在著地區之間、城鄉之間、性別之間、民族之間、階級(階層)之間、群體之間教育機會的不均等問題。 2. the countermeasures are as follows , to consummate the system of law in order to strengthen the system of law in order that the exam and employing can be fully under the guidance of the law , to intensify the flack of the system and publicity of information , to set entrance conditions scientifically so as to realize the equality of employing chance of all persons , to reform the procedure of employing in order to get the rationalization of exam and employing process , to take multi - kind of assessment technique in order to select the best one , to strengthen the management of the exam and employing , realizing all the process are fully supervised by the public 然後運行系統分析法對這些問題進行了系統評價,得出了相應的完善我國考錄制度的對策。應當完善法律體系,實現考錄工作法制化;應當加大宣傳力度,實現考錄信息公開化;應當科學設置條件,實現考錄機會平等化;應當實行程序改革,實現考錄過程合理化;應當加強實踐探索,實現考試內容科學化;應當貫徹擇優原則,實現測評技術多樣化;應當加強隊伍建設,實現考官組成多元化;應當加大管理力度,實現約束監督正常化。
