Acquisitiveness-the wish to possess as much as possible of goods , or the title to goods-is a motive which, I suppose, has its origin in a combination of fear with the desire for necessaries.占有欲--希望盡可能多地占有財產或擁有財產的所有權--是壹個動機。我認為該動機產生於恐懼心理和擁有必需品的欲望結合之中。
I once befriended two little girls from Esthonia, who had narrowly escaped death from starvation in a famine. They lived in my family ,and of course had plenty to eat.But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farms and stealing potatoes, which they hoarded . Rockfeller ,who in his infancy had experienced great poverty ,spent his adult life in a similar manner.Similarly the Arab chieftains on their silken Byzantine divans could not forget the desert ,and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need. But whatever the psychoanalysis of acquisitiveness, no one can deny that it is one of the great motives -especially among the more powerful, for ,as I said before, it is one of the infinite motives .However much you may acquire you will always wish to acquire more ;satiety is a dream which will always elude you.我曾經幫助過兩個來自愛沙尼亞的小姑娘,她倆在壹次饑荒中差點被餓死。她們住在我家,當然有許多吃的,可是她們卻利用整個閑暇時間到附近的農場去轉,偷土豆,還把偷來的土豆貯藏起來。洛克菲勒年幼時經歷了極大的貧窮,成年後他仍以同樣節儉的方式生活。同樣,坐在拜占庭帝國絲絨沙發椅上的阿拉伯酋長也不會忘記沙漠,他們把遠遠超出任何可能物質需要的財富囤積起來。然而,無論對占有欲進行怎樣的精神分析,沒有人否認:占有欲是巨大動機之壹--尤其在享有較多權力的人當中更是如此,正如我上面講到的那樣,占有欲是永無止境的動機之壹。無論妳得到了多少,妳還希望得到更多,滿足是個妳永遠實現不了的夢。