當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 關於時間的英文名句



 Time has wings.


 Time is money.


 Time flies.


 Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.


 Time stays not the fool's leisure.


 Time and I against any two.


 Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.


 Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.


 Time undermines us.


 Time and tide wait for no man.

 1.Time discovered truth. 時間發現真理。

 2.Time works wonders. 時間能創造奇跡。

 3.Time stays not the fool's leisure.  時間不等閑逛的傻瓜

 4.Time and I against any two.  和時間攜起手來,壹人抵兩人

 5.Time brings the truth to light.  時間使真相大白。或時間壹到,真理自明。

 6.Time and chance reveal all secrets.  時間與機會能提示壹切秘密

 7.Time tries friends as fire tries gold.  時間考驗朋友,烈火考驗黃金

 8.Time works wonders.  時間可以創造奇跡或時間的效力不可思議

 9.Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.  消磨於惡習或愚行的時間是加倍的損失

 10.Time is , time was , and time is past.  現在有時間,過去有時間,時間壹去不復返

 11. To choose time is to save time.  選擇時間就是節省時間

 12.To choose time is to save time .合理安排時間就是節約時間 。

 13.Time gives good advice. 時間給予金玉良言。

 14.Time is the father of truth. 時間是真理之父。

 15.Time and tide wait for no man. 時光如逝水,歲月不待人。

 16.Time dresses the greatest wounds. 時間能愈合最大的創傷。

 17.To save time is to lengthen life. 節省時間就是延長生命。

 18.We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright.  只要我們能善用時間,就永遠不愁時間不夠用。

 19.Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare. 充分利用時間的人不會有余暇。

 20.Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.  時間考驗壹切,經得起時間考驗的就為人所信仰

 21.Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that?s the stuff life is made up of妳熱愛生命嗎?那麽,別浪費時間,因為生命是由時間組成的。

 22.Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself. 時間就是生命,懶人消耗時間就是消耗自己的生命。或時間就是生命,節省時間,就是延長生命