英文:Listen more, talk less, take each man's censure, but to retain your final decision.
-- Shakespeare
中文:不良的習慣會隨時阻礙妳走向成名、獲利和享樂的路上去。 —— 莎士比亞
英文:Bad habits will hinder you towards fame, profit and enjoyment of the road.
-- Shakespeare
中文:青春是壹個短暫的美夢,當妳醒來時,它早已消失無蹤。 ----莎士比亞
英文:Youth is a shortlived dream, when you wake up, it has already disappeared without a trace. --- Shakespeare
中文:醜惡的海怪也比不上忘恩的兒女那樣可怕。 ---莎士比亞
英文:The ugly monster is not ungrateful children so terrible. -- Shakespeare
中文:質樸卻比巧妙的言辭更能打動我的心。 -----莎士比亞
英文:Simple is better than a clever words touched my heart. -- Shakespeare
中文:黑夜無論怎樣悠長,白晝總會到來。 ---莎士比亞
英文:No matter how long the night, the day will come. -- Shakespeare