當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 名偵探國語版277集中詹姆斯說的那些英文的意思是什麽 求翻譯

名偵探國語版277集中詹姆斯說的那些英文的意思是什麽 求翻譯

原句:How smart of you irregulars....Well,I might appreciata Holmes.......You are hopeless...When a commander shows a sign...every fellows will brake their cars at a time...and it will these offenders into stopping this car...Though my neighbours will be crushed against the bucket seats for a sharp stop...my body will be bent down and thrown between the seats...and I'will get a brief release from them...When the offenders are about to pick themselves up...they'll get a holdup!It was little rough way,but took me to the right place...

Cool guy...
