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Omerta is the code of silence that members of the mafia swear to uphold when joining the organization. Those who break Omerta by giving information to the authorities are given a death sentence by the mafia's ruling body.


The word "mafia" roughly translated from Sicilian means "swagger" or "boldness". It is a term given to the organization by the press, with mafiosos having many different ways of referring to their gang structure and hierarchy.

Mafia這個詞在西西裏語言裏大致意思為“酷哥”“大膽”,這是由報社給這個組織的名字。黑手黨內部叫他們的小幫派還有其他的名字(如La Cosa Nostra)。

The boss of the Vinci family is Frank Vinci. Frank is a firm traditionalist with interests in construction and gambling. Vinci also controls the Southport dockworkers union, using his influence to bleed money from the merchant vessels that use his workforce. Controlling the port also helps him smuggle black market goods into the city.

Vinci家族的老大是Frank Vinci。Frank是壹個守舊主義者,主要經營建築業和博彩業(註:這就是所謂的Mustache Pete)。Vinci家族同時也控制著Southport的碼頭工人工會,用他的影響力來榨幹所有過往船只。控制著這個港口也允許他們進口黑市貨物。

Carlo Falcone heads the Falcone crime family. Carlo is a ruthless modernizer who sees the American Mafia as needing to break from its Sicilian traditions. Carlo and his underboss Eddie Scarpa are two of the most dangerous men in Empire Bay.

Carlo Falcone是Falcone家族的頭頭。Carlo是壹個殘忍的革新者,他認為美國黑手黨要擺脫其西西裏傳統。他和他的二當家Eddie Scarpa是全市最危險的兩個人,

The Clemente family is led by Alberto Clemente. Clemente runs Freddy's Bar in Little Italy, a slaughterhouse in Riverside, and various small rackets around the city. Clemente is cheap and underhanded; his organization is viewed as second-rate by the other families.

Clemente家族由Alberto Clemente帶領。Clemente擁有Little Italy的Freddy酒吧,Riverside的壹個屠宰場和室內很多小店鋪。Clemente看重金錢,缺乏人手,被其他家族認為是二流黑手黨(就像是GTAIV裏面的Pegorino家族壹樣)。

A consigliere is an advisor to the boss. This role is granted to an especially trusted confidante who can mediate disputes with other families, offer advice, and administer the legitimate side of the business.

Consigliere軍師是老大的參謀(教父裏面的Tom Hagen)。這個角色主要給能調解家族之間矛盾,提供好建議和能管理合法生意的人擔任。

A man must be able to claim Sicilian or Italian descent to become a member of the American Mafia. Non-Italians are often associated with the mafia, but can never join the organization itself.


When a man becomes a full member or "made man," he cannot be murdered by other members without prior approval from the boss of his family.

當壹個人成為了會員,或者“Made Man”的時候,如果沒有家族首領允許,這個人不能被其他成員謀殺。