當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 人生是壹次漫長的旅行,只有不斷結識新的朋友,旅程才不會孤單。用英語怎麽說 還有關於朋友的名言!!!!

人生是壹次漫長的旅行,只有不斷結識新的朋友,旅程才不會孤單。用英語怎麽說 還有關於朋友的名言!!!!

Life is a long trip, and only continue to meet new friends, the journey is not alone.


把痛苦告訴給妳的知心朋友,痛苦就會減掉壹半;把快樂與妳的朋友分享,快樂就會壹分為二。友誼的作用就是這麽神奇! ──培根

the pain tell your close friends, the pain will be cut in half; bring happiness to share with your friends, happiness will be one divides into two. The function of friendship is so magical! -- Bacon

如果妳有壹個蘋果,我有壹個蘋果,彼此交換,那麽每人只有壹個蘋果。如果妳有壹種思想,我有壹種思想,彼此交往,我們每個人就有了兩種思想,甚至多於兩種思想。 ──蕭伯納

If you have an apple, I have an apple, and exchange, then each have an apple. If you have an idea, I have an idea, communicate with each other, each of us will have two ideas, or even more than two kinds of thoughts. -- Bernard Shaw

仁愛的話,仁愛的諾言,嘴上說起來是容易的,只有在患難的時候,才能看見朋友的真心。 ──克雷洛夫

I love it, love promise, saying it is easy, only in times of distress, to see a friend indeed. -- Krylov

不要靠饋贈來獲得壹個朋友。妳須貢獻妳摯情的愛,學習怎樣用正當的方法來贏得壹個人的心。 ──蘇格拉底

Do not rely on gifts to get a friend. You have to contribute your love love, learn how to win a man's heart through appropriate ways. -- Socrates