is
the
most
noble
revenge
寬容是最高貴的復仇
person
who
is
not
tolerant,
is
unfit
to
be
tolerant
of
others
不會寬容人的人,是不配受到別人的寬容的
--貝爾奈
Without
forgiveness,
life
will
be
endless
dominated
by
hatred
and
revenge.
如果沒有寬恕之心,生命會被無休止的仇恨和報復所支配。
——阿薩吉奧利
Kindness
to
others
is
never
in
vain.
Even
if
the
person
indifferent,
at
least
those
who
can
benefit
facilities.
對別人仁慈永遠不會徒勞。即使受者無動於衷,至少施者可以獲益。