1。競爭最強有力支持觀點:Darwin's theory:natural selection。這個理論體現在人類社會的三個方面。(1)生物學: biologists have known that the natural tendency of the animal population is to explode, but the limited food supply keeps it in check. (There are also other limiting factors, like space, climate, resources, etc.) Because there are more creatures than food, this means that some will starve to death. Thus, in order to survive, animals must compete for food, killing each other if need be. (2)經濟上:Economics is formally defined as the study of "the efficient allocation of scarce resources among competing uses."(3)政治上:Politics is defined as the "relations between special interest groups competing for limited resources." 把握這3個大方向後,可以在3個方向上補充具體事例
lastly, wish u to win the debase....lol.