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關於朋友的名言英文 盤點關於朋友的英文名言

To gain sincere friends,one must treat them sincerely when associating with others.與人交往,待人以至誠,才能換取真摯的友誼。 ——卡內基(企業家)

Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other’s little failings.如果不能相互諒解對方的小錯誤,那麽兩人的友誼就不能長久。——拉布呂耶爾(作家)

Of all the happiness of life provided by wisdom,the most important is to obtain friendship.在智慧提供給整個人生的壹切幸福之中,以獲得友誼為最重要。——伊壁鳩魯(哲學家)

The greatest pleasure in life is that heart knows heart.人生樂在相知心。——王安石(文學家、政治家)

The only way on each to multiply happiness is to divide it.世界上唯壹成倍增加幸福的辦法是與人分享。——謝樂(牧師)

A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.建立在生意上的友誼勝過建立在友誼上的生意。 ——洛克菲勒(企業家、慈善家)

All of us,at certain moments of our lives。need to take advice and receive‘help from other people.我們所有的`人,在壹生中有些時刻都需要接受別人的忠告和幫助。 ——卡雷爾(生物學家)

Friendship is love without his wings友誼是沒有翅膀的愛神。——拜倫(詩人)

Suspicion is the poison of friendship.懷疑是友誼的毒藥。——奧古斯丁(大主教)

Friends are sunshine in life朋友是生活中的陽光。——易蔔生(劇作家、詩人)

Life values sincere friends,Why stress gold and money?人生貴相知,何必金與錢?——李白(詩人)