堅持意誌偉大的事業需要始終不渝的精神。 ——伏爾泰
2. The public interest, human welfare, can become valuable odious work, only enlightened people can overcome the difficulties that the necessary enthusiasm. -- Yiming
公***的利益,人類的福利,可以使可憎的工作變為可貴,只有開明人士才能知道克服困難所需要的熱忱。 ——佚名
3. in the duel between hope and despair, if you use courage and a firm hold in their hands, victory will belong to hope. -- Pu Lini
4. A person can do is make a good example, to have the courage of the society in Fengyanfengyu firm hold high ethical beliefs. -- Albert Einstein
壹個人所能做的就是做出好榜樣,要有勇氣在風言風語的社會中堅定地高舉倫理的信念。 ——愛因斯坦
5. As you look forward to the great glory of life, we should from now on, with unwavering determination and firm belief that with their wisdom and perseverance to create you and human happiness. -- Yiming
妳既然期望輝煌偉大的壹生,那麽就應該從今天起,以毫不動搖的決心和堅定不移的信念,憑自己的智慧和毅力,去創造妳和人類的快樂。 ——佚名
6. The most terrible enemy is not strong conviction. -- Roman ? Roland
最可怕的敵人,就是沒有堅強的信念。 ——羅曼?羅蘭
7. As long as sustained efforts, tireless struggle, there will be no things that can not be conquered. -- Seneca Canada
只要持續地努力,不懈地奮鬥,就沒有征服不了的東西。 ——塞內加
8. Both the beauty of the singing, or the hyena barking, whether it is crocodile tears, or the Elang Howl, I will not waver. -- Capman
無論是美女的歌聲,還是鬣狗的狂吠,無論是鱷魚的眼淚,還是惡狼的嚎叫,都不會使我動搖。 ——恰普曼
9. Book does not mind that familiarize can remember, not just fine, small thinking can be fine, but who do not legislate, is the focus on the straight. -- Zhu Xi
10. Since I have set foot on this path, then anything I should not hinder along this path. -- Kant