當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 求高手。茅以升:人生壹征途爾···那段話的英文翻譯。


樓下的翻譯還能再搞笑點不?a journey of the ear, suddenly Hongtao都敢當回答了? translation

software will not be adopted,自己知道妳們在幹啥嗎?

手動翻譯:Life is just a long journey. The length is about one hundred years while I've been walked

through most of these. When I turn round about my past, everything waas staying alive in my eyes—— while the rough roads were more than flat roads,

suddenly it turned into a deep valley, suddenly it turned into mighty torrent.

Fortunately, I was able to go across with bridge,

so what's the name of the bridge? I shall call it striving.


