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Mind pure, life is full of sweetness and joy

A life of happiness

Should, in order to make a happy

Happiness is not a result of even a little pain, and a direct effect of joy and happiness. in my opinion, it is in this respect can be expressed for the most concise : happiness is not the evil, to forgive and love for others.

Happiness lies not in the external reasons, but with our attitude on the reasons for transfer to a hard worker who may not be sad.

Man with a sort of work, it is the spirit of development.

I firmly believe that there is no longer than a person's appearance ( is itself, rather than moving people with no faith ) for human development will have such tremendous influence.

Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy work

Envy is a shameful, people should be trusted

Not to put learning as is used to decorate the crown, and not to put learning to milk the cow as

Him never to take the pencil and book, reading and the conversation when all the wonderful places and words, write it down.

Don't know it is not harmful, and anyone can't know everything, a terrible and harmful don't know and pretend to know.

Life of all changes, all charm and beauty are made of light and shadow