The
reasonable
man
adapts
himself
to
the
world;
the
unreasonable
one
persists
in
trying
to
adapt
the
world
to
himself.
Therefore
all
progress
depends
on
the
unreasonable
man.
人生有兩出悲劇:壹是萬念俱灰;另壹是躊躇滿誌。另有壹譯為:
人生有兩個最大的悲劇,壹個是妳所盼望的沒有得到,壹個是妳所盼望的終於得到了.
There
are
two
tragedies
in
life.
One
is
not
to
get
your
heart's
desire.
The
other
is
to
get
it.
George
Bernard
Shaw,
"Man
and
Superman"
(1903),
act