You'll always remember this as the day that you almost caught
Captain Jack Sparrow.(妳們將永遠記得今天,妳們差點抓到大名鼎鼎的
——Perhaps you remember a certain pirate named Jack Sparrow?
——Captain Jack Sparrow!(傑克·斯帕羅船長)
——Captain Jack Sparrow.Yes,I thought you met he(him)
Sorry,man.We're gonna make an exciting trip.I don't think so.
——It's a key.(是壹把鑰匙)
——No,much more better.This is a drawing of a key.
Gentlemen,what do keys do?
——Keys unlock things?(開鎖用的?)
——And whatever this key unlocks,inside there's something
valuable.So we're setting out to find whatever the
key unlocks.
——No.We don't have the key.(不,我們沒有那把鑰匙)
遇到Bootstrap Bill Turner後,Jack已六神無主:
——Which port?(哪個港口?)
——I didn't say any port.I said land,any land.
——Jack's hat!Pull it above!(傑克的帽子,撈上來!)
——No,No!Leave it!Run!(不,不。不要了。快跑吧!)
——What's coming after us?
——Jack?Jack Sparrow?
I've got to be honestly said I'm glad to see you.
Jack,it's me!Will Turner.
Tell them to let me down.
Jack,that compass.
That's all I need.Elizabeth is in danger.
We're all arrested for trying to help you.
She faces the gallows!
Jack,what did you tell them?No,what about Elizabeth?
——We're gonna set out,boy.(我們要啟程了,夥計們)
——What about Jack?I won't leave without him.
——Time to go.(該走了~)
——We're looking for this,and where it goes to.
——Did ya compass invite for me?
It cannot lead you to this?
——Ah~~~~~Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants.
在Davy Jones的船上:
——What's your purpose here?(妳來這的目的是?)
——Jack Sparrow sent me to said(say) he's dead.
Davy Jones到Black pearl上跟Jack索取靈魂:
——Just how many souls do you think my soul is plus?
——One hundred souls,three days.(100個,3天內交齊)
——Good damned price!(好價錢)
——Captain Sparrow!
——You'd be a young crew late.Welcome aboard.
——I'm here to find the man I love.(我是來找我愛的那個人的)
——I'll declare if I'm the some,《註:這句我只能聽成這樣了》
but my first and only love is the sea.
——Meaning William Turner.Captain Sparrow.
Hide the rum.(把朗姆酒藏起來) [看來Jack是心有余悸,上次Elizabeth把他的酒全燒了呵]
You know these clothes do not fit you at all.
You should be in a dress or nothing.
I happened kept no dress in my cabin.
I know Will came to find you.Where is he?
——Tell you that I'm truly unhappy that to tell you,Elizabeth.
Through unfortunately and entirely unforeseeable sears of
circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with me.
Poor Will has been transacted into Davy Jones' crew.