1. 毛澤東《在中國***產黨全國代表會議上的講話》:“戒驕戒躁,永遠保持謙虛進取的精神。”
1949年3月5日至13日,中***七屆二中全會在河北省西柏坡召開。毛澤東在會上作報告,提出黨的工作重心應逐步由鄉村轉到城市,規定了奪取全國勝利的各項方針和勝利後中***在各方面的基本政策……中國的革命是偉大的,但革命以後的路程更長,工作更偉大,更艱苦。這壹點現在就必須向黨內講明白,務必使同誌們繼續地保持謙虛、謹慎、不驕、不躁的作風,務必使同誌們繼續地保持艱苦奮鬥的作風。Mao Zedong's "Speech at the National Congress of the Communist Party of China":"Guard against arrogance and rashness, and always maintain a humble and enterprising spirit." From March 5 to 13, 1949, the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Xibaipo, Hebei Province. Mao Zedong gave a report at the meeting, proposing that the focus of the party’s work should gradually shift from the countryside to the city, and stipulated various policies for the victory of the country and the basic policies of the CCP in all aspects after the victory... Mao said that the Chinese revolution is great, but the revolution, the journey in the future will be longer, the work will be greater and harder. This point must be made clear to the party now, and comrades must continue to maintain a humble, cautious, no arrogant, and non-irritable style of work, and must ensure that comrades continue to maintain a style of hard struggle.
2. 對自己的不滿足,是任何真正有天才的人的根本特征之壹。——契訶夫Dissatisfaction with oneself is one of the fundamental characteristics of any truly talented person. --Chekhov契訶夫(俄國著名作家)
3、忘了自己的缺點,就產生驕傲自滿。——德謨克利(古希臘哲學家) If you forget your shortcomings, you will be complacent.——Democritus
Don't brag about anything, pride and complacency will overturn. Looking through the past and present, the success comes from humility and defeat comes from extravagance. ——Chen Yi 中國當代詩人,元帥
5、好自誇的人沒本事,有本事的人不自誇。People who are good at boasting are not capable, and those who are capable do not boast.
6、無論是別人在跟前或者自己單獨的時候,都不要做壹點卑劣的事情:最要緊的是自尊。—畢達哥拉斯(古希臘哲學家,數學家)No matter when with others ?or when you are alone, don't do anything despicable: the most important thing is self-esteem. –Pythagoras?
7、人生大病,只是壹"傲"字。——王陽明虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後,我們應當永遠記住這個真理。——毛澤東People who are seriously ill belong to just the word "arrogant". ——Wang Yangming said humility makes people progress, arrogance makes people fall behind, we should always remember this truth.--Mao Zedong
8、我們不能壹有成績,就象皮球壹樣,別人拍不得,輕輕壹拍,就跳得老高。成績越大,越要謙虛謹慎。——王進喜中國當代勞模 We can’t just be like a ball as soon as we have scores. Others can’t criticise us, and with a light pat, we can jump high.
The greater the achievement we get, the more modest and cautious we should be.——Wang Jinxi
9、偉人多謙虛,小人多驕傲。太陽穿壹件樸素的光衣,白雲卻披了燦爛的裙裾。——泰戈爾 Great men are more humble, but villains are more proud. The sun wore a plain light dress, but white cloud wore a brilliant skirt. -Tagore泰戈爾(印度詩人,曾獲1913年諾貝爾文學獎,1861-1941)