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1.Sometimes we may think that happiness is so faraway a thing that we couldn't touch it. But with time passing by,I gradually understand the meaning of happiness. It turns out to be easy. You know what?You could take everything as a reason to be happy. When you come across an old friend,you can feel happiness from the bottom of your heart. When you see someone else smile to you in the morning ,you might be happy the whole day? When you find a letter which is written by your teacher,you may feel satisfaction. And when you give a seat to a pregnant woman you must be proud of yourself and be happy.

Remember when you just smile to the world,you will receive double of that.Believe it or not.Happiness is with you all the time and the most important thing is that you catch it and cherish it!

2.At the airport bookstore, there are only about a dozen freestanding shelves of books. It's Darwinian selection at its most brutal: only the most popular authors, the newest novels, and the most recognizable classics survive. You won't find the lesser known works of Oscar Wilde or Voltaire or even Hemingway — there isn't space for them. Jane Austen makes only the briefest appearance, and Edgar Allen Poe shows his face only at Halloween. There are no collections of poetry beyond Dr. Seuss.

There is, however, a whole rack of self help books.

Americans are obsessed with making ourselves better. Smarter. Thinner. You can buy books to improve your vocabulary. You can devour a stack of books that will teach you to work more efficiently, more ruthlessly, and claw your way to the top — and then you can read books on how to stop and smell the roses and enjoy your life more fully. There are even books that will teach you how to organize your closets.

All of these things dance around the essential truth: we want to be happy. We want to be loved. We want to find meaning in our lives and feel that our contributions make a difference.

This, then, is the Rusty Brain Guide: How To Be Happy.

Eat more cookies. Abstaining from a single cookie isn't going to make you look svelte and toned. Go on, eat some cookies. I recommend the double chocolate ones with chocolate chips inside.

Sing. In your car. In elevators. At the mall, especially at Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn. In hospital corridors. Before important client meetings. When people give you that patronizing look, wink at 'em.

Make Popsicles.

Stay home on the weekend and disconnect your phone.

Bring a plastic straw to a fancy restaurant. Make loud gurgling sounds when you get to the bottom as you attempt to drink every last molecule of diet Coke.

Order the stuff on the menu that you've never heard of — like Gkaeng Cheud Bplah Meuk Yad Sai (Stuffed Squid Soup with Napa Cabbage or Squash).

Talk to strangers.

Collect something weird that isn't expensive but is relatively hard-to-find.

Wear odd hats in public places.

Amass a jar of coins. Bury them in your back yard. Draw a treasure map and give it to a friend.

Walk to the park near your house. Do some somersaults. When was the last time you did a somersault, anyway?

Eat pickles out of the jar.

Build a Web site and write your own Rusty Brain column (Matt only).

Spend a day by yourself. Leave your cell phone at home. Wander the streets, muttering to yourself and occasionally disagreeing with what you've just muttered.

Buy a puppy. Name it Charo.

Get your teeth capped. Move to Hollywood. Become a star. (Isn't that what you've been dreaming about anyway?)

Wear thong panties under your habit (nuns only).

Throw a surprise birthday party for a friend. Invite lots of people. Make sure that your friend's actual birthday is nowhere near the date of the party.

Belch in public. Then sigh contently.

Suntan naked on a public beach. Adopt a European accent for the day to explain your complete lack of modesty.

Quit your worthless job and dedicate your life to the study of the Moroccan flute.

Fly a kite.

Stop wasting your life with the Moroccan flute and get a real job.

Volunteer at your library, or church, or your local soup kitchen, or Habitat for Humanity. Wear clothes so ratty that you are often mistaken for one of the "needy."

Use the word "Jonesing" as often as possible. As in, "Man, I'm Jonesin' for some homemade Popsicles." Studies have shown this will make you happy.

Join a bowling league. Buy a large red bowling ball. Name it "Gorbachev."

Drive to the nearest national forest. Hike a mile with a backpack full of cold fried chicken and biscuits. Find a clearing where you will not meet a single human and have a picnic.

Stare at the clouds for a full afternoon and dream.

Think about the things you love to do. Now go do those things more often.

Meet someone, fall in love, live happily ever after.

翻譯: 機場書店裏只有十來個獨立書架。達爾文“適者生存”的無情法則在這裏被演繹得淋漓盡致:能上架的只有那些最走紅作家的、最新出爐的以及最被認可的經典作品。就連奧斯卡·王爾德、伏爾泰甚至海明威的那些不太有名的作品,也未能取得壹席之地。簡·奧斯丁的作品只有最最出名的幾本,而埃德加·阿倫·坡的則只會在萬聖節時才露上壹面。至於詩集,除(狄奧多·)索伊斯博士的以外,其它的就更別提了。






●無論是在汽車裏、電梯間、超市、特別在Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn這樣的商店裏,都要哼哼歌。在醫院的走廊上,在會見重要客戶的會議上,也要哼歌。當人們註目妳的時候,朝他們眨眨眼睛。




●只點菜單上妳從來沒聽說過的東西--類似名叫Gkaeng Cheud Bplah Meuk Yad Sai (魷魚湯加納帕甘藍或南瓜) 之類的。




●存壹大罐硬幣並埋在妳家後面的院子裏。然後畫壹張藏寶圖,交給妳的壹個朋友。 (讓他找去吧!)



●自己建立壹個網站,寫自己的"方腦袋專欄" (僅適用於馬特) 。




●在法衣下穿的是系皮帶的襯褲 (僅適用於修女 ) 。












●遇見某人, 墮入情網, 然後幸福地生活

3.Relax. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Happiness is largely a choice. Feel gratitude for all of the good in your life.

Smile. Once you have enough to pay for life’s basics think to yourself: “I’ve won.” Happiness is contagious: find someone who is happy and stand close to them.

Play. Create. Happiness is attainable. Slow down and enjoy the scenery. Be spontaneous. Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.

Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success. Surround yourself with positive, life-affirming people.

Make others happy. Have big dreams. Enjoy the journey. Grab every single morsel of happiness which comes your way. Be on the look out for moments of pleasure and wonder.

Take care of your body. Be happy right here, right now, while working towards a better tomorrow. Forget about the Joneses. Forgive. Do for others. Become absorbed in activities that cause you to enter the “flow” state: that state where you forget yourself, lose track of time, and stop worrying. Develop the habit of positive self-talk. Plant a beautiful garden.

Get sunlight and fresh air. Engage your mind in a puzzle: jigsaw puzzles, sudokus, or crossword puzzles. Listen to music. Make music. Quiet your mind chatter.

Meditate.Practice yoga, tai chi, or Qigong. Get a box of six Guatemalan worry dolls: before going to bed, tell one worry to each doll and put them under your pillow; while you sleep, the dolls will take your troubles away.

Make smart money choices. View difficulties as challenges to be overcome. Remember that it’s not a good story if there aren’t any dragons.

4.Get involved in a cause that’s important to you. Have a cat or a dog; pet them often. Perform random acts of kindness, anonymous or not.Surround yourself with pleasant smells: jasmine, lavender, sandalwood . . . Put things in perspective. Go for a brisk walk. Stretch. Go to a museum.

Find a hobby you love. Engage in pleasurable activities.

(”The Pursuit of Happiness”; courtesy of jonSpot)

Spend discretionary income on experiences, such as dining out and travel, instead of purchasing goods.

Count your blessings. Resolve to have a bad memory: release the past. Be yourself, however strange and weird that may be. Ask yourself: what can I do to become happier? Read a good book.

Climb on a tire swing. Be part of something bigger than yourself. Embrace change. Simplify. Think big in the long run, but think small in the short run. Remember the following line from the film “American Beauty”: “. . . it’s hard to stay mad when there’s so much beauty in the world.”Get rid of things that make you unhappy. Make happiness a priority in your life. Do something hedonistic: think afternoon at a spa or going out dancing.

Be curious. Engage in novel activities. Take on new skills. Learn new things. Think back to when you’ve been happiest: what were you doing? Create satisfying, meaningful connections with other people. Practice deep breathing. Savor small authentic moments that bring you contentment. Happiness is a state of mind. Have a small pleasure to look forward to every day: coffee out on the patio, going through a favorite magazine, visiting a beloved friend, baking cookies . . . Search for the sacred in the ordinary. Do a cartwheel when nobody’s looking. Take George Eliot’s declaration to heart: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

5.Laugh often. Ask for what you want. Hang a hammock; lie in it. Find work you love.Let go of fear.

Have courage. One of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones is to let them see you living a happy life. When you’re happy you give others permission to be happy as well.

Love. Entertain hope. Cope with difficult situations with ingenuity. Spend time contemplating nature. Accept that sometimes you’ll be sad, that’s just part of life. Make happiness the ultimate goal in your life. Fake it until you make it: act happy.

Create a serene environment. Resolve to be a little bit happier today than you were yesterday. Tilt your head back and let out a raucous peal of laughter . . .











找壹個自己喜歡的愛好. 參加壹些娛樂性的活動。





參與新奇的事物:學習新技能,接觸新鮮事物。當妳覺得自己是最快樂,最幸福的時候,回顧壹下過去:回想妳通常在做什麽的時候 ,會感到快樂?與別人創建壹種令人滿足的,有意義的聯系。練習深呼吸。盡情享受那些給妳帶來滿足感的真實時刻。快樂是精神上的壹種境界。每天都期待壹點小幸福,去院子裏喝喝咖啡,瀏覽壹本自己喜歡的雜誌,拜訪自己喜歡的好友,享受自己喜歡的曲奇…..



經常笑. 去索取妳想要的。 掛上壹個吊床,然後躺在裏面。找壹份妳喜歡的工作,擱下恐懼。

鼓起勇氣. 在所有禮物中,妳能給妳所愛的人最大的禮物就是讓他們看到,妳過著幸福的生活。如果妳快樂,那就意味著妳給了人家壹個許諾:妳,也壹樣能快樂。

愛. 擁抱希望。用智慧來解決難題。花點時間來觀察自然。接受那些偶爾的傷心,那些只是生活的壹部分。讓快樂成為妳生命的終極目標。在妳得到快樂之前,要假裝快樂。

